Pharma Talk

Interviews of leaders and innovators in pharmaceutical marketing.

Pharma on Twitter: Boehringer Ingelheim

A conversation with Judith von Gordon and John Pugh, external communications executives at Boehringer Ingelheim, about their use of Twitter and other social media networks.

Is the M&A Frenzy Short-Circuiting Pharma R&D? A Former Researcher Speaks Out

A conversation with Kenneth 'Eric' Milgram, Ph.D., Principal, Applied Scientific Consulting, former Director, Systems Biology Technologies at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals/Pfizer, about what happens to pharmaceutical companies when they put Wall Street expectations ahead of science-driven innovation.

The Great DTC Debate — Round 1: Are Drug Marketers an Endangered Species?

Robert Ehrlich, CEO and Chairman,DTC Perspectives, Inc., joins John Mack, Editor of Pharma Marketing News and creator of Pharma Marketing Blog, to debate whether or not DTC marketers are being pushed to extinction by government regulations and other forces.

Disclose, Comply, & Measure: A Technology for Achieving All Three Social Media Goals!

Learn how you can decrease time to market and reduce costs to deploy strategic initiatives

The Digital Health Coalition: Solving Real Problems — Mission Possible?

A conversation with Mark Bard, founder of the Digital Health Coalition, regarding the mission of the Coalition and what companies and individuals are involved.

The Importance of Emotion in Evaluating Product Promotion: Insight Into Physicians’ and Patients’ Minds

A conversation with Dr. Jeremy Pincus, Principal and Quantitative Team Leader, Forbes Consulting, about the importance of measuring physician and patient emotions when evaluating product promotions. We talk about his company's proprietary MindSight Emotional Assessment, which is a new way to gather data directly from the emotional brain by 'talking in pictures'.

Taming the “Wild West” of Mobile Health Apps

A conversation with Ben Chodor, CEO of Happitique, about his company's standards that it will be using to certify medical, health, and fitness apps under Happtique's App Certification Program.

“Safe” Social Media for Pharma Marketers: Alliance Health’s Safe Social API

A conversation with Dan Hickey, SVP of Products at Alliance Health, about Alliance Health's Safe Social API, which enables marketing partners in the pharmaceutical industry to build interactive pages within the company's network of condition-specific social health networks.

Mobile Strategies for Pharma: One Size Does NOT Fit All!

Ryan McGuire, Research Team Leader, and Sarah Ray, Research Analyst, Cutting Edge Information, join Pharmaguy to discuss top-level results of the


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