Pharma Marketing Talk: List of Shows By Company

Interviews of leaders and innovators in pharmaceutical marketing.

What is Univadis? Hint: It Builds Healthcare Professional Relationships

A conversation with Shona L. Davies, Global Communications & Programme Leader, Associate Director, Merck Customer Centricity, Merck & Co Inc., about Univadis, a leading and exclusive online service from Merck/MSD that delivers customer-centric content and high quality medical information to healthcare professionals.

A “Comuniti” for Healthcare Professionals: Univadis in France Gets Social

Pharmaguy interviews Thibaud Guymard, Digital Marketing Manager at MSD France, who talks about Comuniti, a new online community that is part of MSD France's Univadis service exclusively for healthcare professionals.

A KOL by Any Other Name

Pharmaguy interviews Sanjay Singhvi, Director, System Analytic, about KOL terminology and the research his company conducted around it with KOLs and pharmaceutical executives to determine if the term should be changed and, if so, what term should be used in its place.

UCB & PatientsLikeMe: Embracing Social Media, Adverse Events Included!

A conversation with Rene Hansen, Global Director of Business Transformation at UCB Pharma and Benjamin Heywood, Co-founder and President of PatientsLikeMe, about the strategic partnership between UCB and PatientsLikeMe to create an online, open epilepsy community that captures real-world experiences of people living with epilepsy in the U.S.

Pharma Talk

Interviews of leaders and innovators in pharmaceutical marketing.

What Sanofi-Aventis Learned from Its FaceBook Experience & What the Experts Recommend It Do...

A conversation with Dennis Urbaniak, VP U.S. Diabetes at sanofi-aventis, about the recent activity on S-A's VOICES corporate Facebook page. We'll discuss the lessons learned and hear advice from independent experts. Urbaniak is willing to answer questions and consider advice from listeners.

The Intricacies of Rx Drug Advertising! Learn Rules & Regulations from a Master

Pharmaguy interviews Preeti Pinto, former Executive Director & Head of Promotional Regulatory Affairs at AstraZeneca. We talk about the Advertising and Promotions Course that Preeti will teach at the Temple University School of Pharmacy this fall. Delve into the regulatory intricacies of Rx Drugs advertising!

Can You Find Reputable Canadian Drugs Online?

An interview with Cary Byrd, founder of, an online Rx search site and blog.

Global Medical Science Liaison Trends

There has been an exponential growth of the role of Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) over the last several years. Pharmaceutical companies are now strategically interfacing their MSLs with physicians all over the world. In this podcast, Yanis Saradjian, Director of Consulting at Cutting Edge Information, Inc., and Dr. Samuel Dyer, Chairman of the Board, Medical Science Liaison Society, discuss these trends. The conversation will review MSL key performance indicators, benchmarks, and resources for advancing the global MSL profession.


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