Pioneers in Pharma eMarketing (PiPeM): Richard Meyer. A Modern Day ePharma Diogenes

A conversation with Richard Meyer, eMarketing consultant and author of The World of DTC Marketing Blog about his views on the future pharmaceutical eMarketing -- where it's heading versus where it should be going.

Pharma eMarketing Benchmarks

Rx eMarketing Effectiveness Benchmarks designed to help Pharma eMarketing 'grow up,' optimize & scale

The State of CME in Europe: A Work in Progress

A conversation in which Eugene Pozniak, Managing Director of Siyemi Learning, an independent, UK based provider of CME products and related services. Mr. Pozniak will evaluate the current status and value of CME in Europe, and how it is likely to develop, and what the opportunities and challenges for the future are.

The Centocor Corporate Blog: A Groundbreaking Pharmaceutical Company Blog?

According to the About section of the new Centocor Blog, it was started 'because there are so many interesting things happening at our company, in our industry, and around immunology. Although you can read about these things in the news or on other blogs, we want to join the conversation because we have much to say on the matter.'

Interactive Widgets for Pharma Marketing

Tony Zito, CEO and Founder of mediaFORGE, describes how his company's widget-ad platform can empower pharmaceutical brands by maximizing their online presence.

Before You Take that Pill: A “Fair and Balanced” Critique?

Bremner will discuss the risks of some of the most commonly prescribed drugs and why he thinks the drug industry doesn't want consumers to know about them.

Univadis – Merck’s Online Source for Medical Education in Europe

A conversation with Dr. Ina Weisshardt who was recently employed by MSD (Merck & Co.) where she was responsible for developing and implementing a new approach to medical education in Europe. She will discuss the educational partnership between univadis -- MSD's physician portal -- and the BMJ group to role-out a truly pan-European physician educational platform.

How to Add New Media Into Your DTC Marketing Mix

Combining the best of the 'Old' and 'New' into successful DTC campaigns can be tricky. The options are discussed with David Kweskin and Morgan Lozier of TNS Brand and Communication Division.

Universal Rx Discount Coupons

YourRxCard, a free Rx drug card program designed to help Americans cut their medication costs.

The iPhone Medical Application Revolution: How Pharmaceutical Marketers Can Leverage the Gadget Clinicians Love

A conversation with Edward M. Zabrek, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., Medical Editor, SmartPhone Magazine and iPhone Life Magazine and Renee McLoud, PhD, APRN, BC, CPNP-PC, Clinical Professor, Arizona State University College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation, Office of Transformational Technologies & Organizations, focusing on the mobile information technology habits of healthcare professionals and how pharmaceutical marketers can leverage the PDA/Smartphone channel to educate and market to clinicians about their brands.


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