Total CME Funding Drops, But Income from Pharma Increases
The AMA & many other physician groups are lobbying in support of a Senate bill to exempt drug and device makers from reporting the value of continuing medical education (CME), journal...
FDA’s Dependence on User Fees & “Institutional Corruption” Blamed for Dramatic Increase in Drug...
An estimated 128,000 hospitalized patients die each year from Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs. aka Adverse Events, AEs), which matches stroke as the 4th leading cause of hospital deaths (see here). Deaths...
Novartis Respects the Patient Perspective and Pays for It Too! But Is It Absolutely...
On, David Palacios, Head of Global Patient Relations, and Sanja Njegic, Head of Patient Advocacy & Relations in Europe at Novartis, explain how their company has moved from working with...
Real Dog Patient Stories Send Sales of Sileo Rocketing!
"Data gives credibility, but stories provide truth," says Ash Rishi, Co-Founder and Managing Director of COUCH (read "Patient Storytelling Marketing").
Social media and patient stories are a "match made in heaven" and...
Apple’s ResearchKit Mobile Apps Make Strides in Clinical Research, But Is iPhone User Demographics...
As reported in the trade media, GSK developed an iPhone app for use in "clinical research" (read "GSK Develops Rheumatoid Arthritis App for Clinical Trial Using Apple's ResearchKit"). It is claimed...
Poof! FaceBook & SnapChat Offer Pharma Marketers Transient, Untraceable Messaging
Poof! FB & SnapChat Offer #pharma Marketers Transient, Untraceable Messaging
Everything You Wanted to Know About Vaccine Marketing, PR, Earned Media, Lobbying, and “Anti-Vaxxers”
Anti-HPV vaccines (e.g., Merck's Gardisil) are back in the news these days.
Last night, NBC Nightly News reported "Study Shows Alarming Rise in HPV-Related Cancers." The takeaways are (1) HPV infection causes...
Valeant Takes Advantage of Orlando Massacre to Promote Hair Removal Device to LGBTQ Community
Solta Medical (owned by Valeant, a company formerly run by a gaggle of gangsters! See here and here) launched a new hair-removal laser in September.
It hasn't been selling well.
And then came...
Medication Adherence Won’t Get Better Unless Pharma Marketers Accept Some Blame
Adherence, as defined in the Pharma Marketing Glossary, is "Percent of doses of a drug taken as prescribed for entire period of study (compliance + persistence)." In short, "sticking to the...
Digital, Not DTC Advertising, Is the Real Reason Why Patients are “Wasting the Time”...
Recently, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) joined the physicians of the American Medical Association (AMA) in a call to ban ALL direct-to-consumer (DTC) ads (see here). ASHP’s new policy...