FDA Has Many Hurdles to Overcome in its Effort to Stem the Current Opioid...

The FDA has made many efforts to deal with the current opioid addiction crisis. The latest is the establishment of a "Opioid Policy Steering Committee." Some of these efforts may have...

Farewell Pharma Friends! Beware of the PharmaGovernment Complex!

It's my 71st birthday and I decided it's a good time for me to move on to a new role. Unbelievable, right? John "PharmaGuy" Mack is seventy-one years old! Also unbelievable is...

The Forgotten eHealth Code of Ethics

Recently, I was sorry to see that the eHealth Code of Ethics, which I helped create back in 2000, was not included in the list of references to an article about...

Why Has There Been a Drop in FDA Enforcement Activity?

That's one question on the mind of EyeOnFDA author Mark Senak of FleishmanHillard's Washington, D.C. office. Senak plotted the number of "Action Letters," which are Warning Letters to drug company CEOs...

The Addyi Report Card: Crooked Valeant Fools FDA Again

Click on image for enlarged view or get PDF here. "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me," should be FDA's response to a report card released by...

Digital Health Publishers Just Got a Healthy Way to Drive New Visits

It’s no secret that digital health publishers of all types struggle to introduce new users to their content. Consumer traffic exchanges and content discovery engines have historically focused on every vertical except health and medicine. You can easily find dozens of networks that focus on fashion, sports, pop culture, technology or finance, but consumer health is MIA.

5 Strategies to Strengthen Relationships with HCPs

Increasing engagement with healthcare professionals (HCPs) online has become exceedingly difficult over the past 5 years. There are many websites and e-newsletters competing for a physician’s attention. HCPs are...

Sexy Reps Sell Rx Drugs

"Known for their athleticism, postage-stamp skirts and persuasive enthusiasm, cheerleaders have many qualities the drug industry looks for in its sales force," according to an article in today's New York Times...

His and Hers Hand Towels Monographed with Viagra and Addyi Logos. Only $20!

This is a pair of soon-to-be classic hand towels.  His and Hers Hand Towels Monographed with Viagra and Addyi Logos $20.00 USD Overview Handmade item Materials: terry cloth, sildenafil citrate, flibanserin, microcrystalline cellulose, etc. Only ships to...

Avastin – Supersize Profiteering!

Speaking of the high cost of drugs, how about Genentech selling Avastin -- a drug used to treat colon cancer and now approved for the adjuvant treatment of lung and breast...

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