Pens Put Brands in Docs’ Brains and Profit in Pharma’s Pockets

Those pens that pharmaceutical sales reps hand out to physicians are often cited as examples of gifts to physicians that are meant to increase physician loyalty to the drug brand that...

If FDA Published Social Media Guidelines as a Facebook Page, PhRMA Would “Like” It!

PhRMA -- the US pharmaceutical trade association -- just now published an oblique critique of the FDA for fiddling with issuing its promised social media guidelines while pharma Facebook pages burn...

Dispensing Under the Influence

A recent study of pharmaceutical industry gift givinig caught my attention. Here's the background.A new study released by the New England Journal of Meddling (NEJM) revealed some interesting statistics:"Eighty-three percent of...

Cancer Drugs: Greener Pastures for Pharma R&D and Wall Street

Two news items regarding medical/pharmaceutical research caught my attention today. Both involve stem cells. The first item was about research results revealed at the American Heart Association's annual conference. US researchers found...

On Twitter, A Patient Photo is Worth a Thousand Characters!

Pharma brand marketers have a problem with Twitter. They can only use 140 characters (about 20 words) at a time. That limitation, however, has not stopped some drug marketers from posting...

Rodale’s Study Cites My Estimate Regarding DTC Ad Spending; I’m Flattered, But…

My friend Richard Meyer over at World of DTC Marketing Blog posted some key findings and charts from the 2012 Rodale DTC Study (see "A new era for DTC marketing"). There's a...

Pass it on: Blog Silence in Memory of Students Slain at VA Tech

Fard Johnmar at HealthcareVOX has a great idea: a daylong moment of silence on this blog tomorrow in honor of those killed and wounded in today's senseless shooting rampage at Virginia...

End All Pharma Freebies to Physicians by Decree or Just Leave it at Caveat...

Has the time come for physicians to be forcibly weaned away from ALL pharma "freebies," including CME and drug samples? Or should the principle caveat doctor be emphasized?An editorial in today's...

Get Your FDA Social Media Public Hearing T-Shirt!

If you are planning to attend the November 12-13 FDA public hearing on the Promotion of Food and Drug Administration-Regulated Medical Products Using the Internet and Social Media Tools (see here...

I Nominate Me for Healthcare Communiquétor: Who Seconds?

The Communiqué Awards 2014 are open for entry! "This award recognises outstanding personal achievement at a very senior level in healthcare communications. It is open to professionals currently working in industry...

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