The End of DTC as We Know It

During the presidential election campaign of 2004, several pharma industry trade publications suggested that if Kerry/Edwards won the election, DTC (Direct to Consumer) ads for drugs would be banned. To be...

Canada: Mad Cows Yes, Drugs No!

Canadian health officials are drafting a proposal that could halt Internet sales of prescription drugs to U.S. consumers, which could "essentially kill" a $700 million industry, the AP/Washington Post reports (see...

The Pharma Industry Has Issues in 2005

In his excellent article, What Merck has to do to remain an independent drug maker, business writer Donald Johnson lists the following 10 scientific, political, financial, and marketing issues facing Merck...

Who Should Pay for Merck’s Obstructionism?

When public corporations break the law or act deceptively, it is often the small investor who pays the price. This was clearly evident in the case of Enron. In that case,...

Cox-2’s Die Hard: With a Vengeance

When Vioxx was first pulled off the market, I suggested that this would lead to what I termed a "Me-Too Drug Domino Effect" in which other drugs in the COX-2 class...

Drug Companies Give Aid to Tsunami Victims

Drug companies are among the biggest givers of aid to tsunami victims. Pfizer will donate $10 million to local and international relief organizations operating in the region. Pfizer will contribute approximately...

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