#Pharma Must Be Social Media Brave & Fast Says Becky Canvin at Ogilvy HealthWorld
"How can the pharma and healthcare industry thrill on social media?"
That's a question Rebecca Canvin (@BeckyCanvin), Social Media Manager at Ogilvy Healthworld, attempted to answer in a guest column (here).
"Over the...
PharmaGuy – the Book! “Socialize Your Patient Engagement Strategy”: Coming This August
How Social Media and Mobile Apps Can Boost Health Outcomes
Letizia Affinito and John Mack
I am happy to announce my collaboration with Letizia Affinito (@laffinito) – Founder and CEO of Brandnew MC...
Doling Out Dough to Docs: Types of Payments Pharma* Made to Physicians in 2013,...
Click on image for an enlarged view.
On September 30, 2014, CMS published data records containing 4.4 million payments valued at nearly $3.7 billion in payments and transfers of value made to...
Pharma Buzzwords Heard During a Conference
Pharma marketers cannot communicate with each other without using "buzzwords." Some critics suggest, however, that some of these buzzwords alienate patients and physicians (see, for example, "Do Marketing Buzzwords Affect Pharma's...
A Facetious Version of WebMD’s Dr. OZ Style Kybella FAQ
The following facetious FAQ list is based on a WebMD FAQ list ("Here’s what you need to know" about a "New Drug Zaps Double Chin"). WebMD appears to be vying...
PharmBingo Contest: Pharma Buzzwords Heard at Corporate Meetings or Industry Events
Print the following PharmBingo Card, which is loaded with drug industry/pharma marketing "buzzwords", and bring it to your next industry conference or corporate meeting. You can Win a Prize!
Click for an enlarged...
Some Questions and Answers About Digital Health
"If you think that digital health brings with it many questions and maybe more questions than answers, you are not alone," says Denise Silber, organizer of the 3rd Annual Doctors 2.0...
MediScripts Rx Pad Ad Features HAVITOL – A Fake Drug Not to be Confused...
The following full-page ad for mediscripts prescription pads in the April 2015 edition of PM360 caught my attention.
I guess pharma companies can place Rx drug ads within these pads as shown...
2014 Archive of Pharma Marketing News
Welcome to the 2014 ARCHIVE of Pharma Marketing News. All articles are FREE! No subscription is required to download these articles from past issues. Articles become available to non-subscribers...
The Patients Included Movement: My Comments on the Global Charter, re “Key Patient Advocates”...
"Patient centricity" is all the rage these days among pharmaceutical industry conference attendees and speakers. It is even becoming more common for actual patients to be part of the faculty/speakers and/or...