Wearables, Ingestibles, Implantables: The Inescapable Future of Healthcare

One of the 5 future healthcare trends discussed by a panel at the Lions Health 2015 Festival was "wearables, ingestibles, and implantables" (3 new buzzwords to add to my list!). Let's...

Male Otsuka UK Marketing Executive’s Behavior Worse Than Bill Cosby’s: Has Women Subordinates Provide...

According to the UK's Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA), which oversees the self-regulatory code of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), "An anonymous, non-contactable complainant alleged that...

How I Stopped Worrying About the Battery and Learned to Love My Apple Watch!

I've had my Apple Watch for about a week and I am beginning to grow attached to it (literally and figuratively). As I recently said on Twitter, paraphrasing actor Jonathan Goldsmith...

A Patient Journey Story Pharma Wishes Wasn’t Told

Attend any pharma marketing  conference these days and most likely you will hear these buzzwords: "storytelling" and "patient journey." For example, at iPharma 2015, Brandon Graham, Chief Creative Officer, EUXmedia, talked about...

Male Lifestyle Drug Marketers Think FDA’s Proposed Study on Spousal DTC Influence is Bogus!

Back in December, 2014, I reported in Pharma Marketing News that the FDA was planning to study "Spousal Influence On Consumer Understanding Of And Response To Direct-To-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertisements" (see...

A Rare Rx Drug Branded Mobile App for Patients. Is It Just a Drug.com...

It's rare for a pharmaceutical company to develop a mobile app that includes brand name drug information. So, when I learned that Boehringer recently released a GILOTRIF branded iPhone/iPad app for...

House Bill Would Give FDA 18 Months to Finalize “One-Click Rule” Guidance: ROFLMAOYSST

On May 20, 2015, Rep. Billy Long (R-Mo.) introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives a bill (H.R. 2479) that would "direct the FDA to clearly regulate meaningful, truthful and non-misleading...

Tom Stossel Attempts to Debunk the Conflict-of-Interest “Myth”

Yesterday, I interviewed Thomas P. Stossel, M.D., visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, about his new book, PharmaPhobia, and his call to action against the "Conflict...

What I Learned During Day 1 at iPharma 2015

I am attending CBI's iPharma 2015 conference in New York City. Yesterday was the first day. I chaired the Technology Track and moderated a panel discussion that attempted to answer the...

WANTED: Pharma Mobile Pioneers

For the past few years I have been following and reporting on mobile health initiatives, campaigns, and apps developed by pharmaceutical companies. I've collected these articles, blog posts, and podcasts in...

Pharma Marketing News, Blog Posts, Events, Podcasts

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