As J&J Focuses Less on Consumer Products and More on Medical Devices & Rx...

JNJ has always positioned itself as a "consumer" products company, but its main business is pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices. According to a Q2 2015 financial statement (here), Rx products...

Join Me at the STEM 4 Health Berlin Meetup on September 23

"It is a pleasure to have Pharmaguy, aka John Mack, visiting us in Berlin again!,"says Jesus del Valle Rosales, Head of Bayer's Grants4Apps Digital Health Accelerator. "Pharmaguy has been at the...

Will the REAL Nexium Facebook Page Please Stand Up?

My friend Zoe Dunn (@zdunnhealth), a digital marketing consultant to the pharma industry, wrote a piece in MM&M titled “Is It Finally Time for Pharma to Change the Way It Uses Facebook?” (see...

Social Media Lacks the “Ask Your Doctor” ROI Common for Print & TV DTC...

Practically every print and TV direct-to-consumer (DTC) ad  prominently includes the statement "Ask Your Doctor if is Right for You!" Advertisers call this the "Call to Action," which is the linchpin...

Boehringer Ingelheim Supports Undocumented Immigrants & Sides with Latino TV vs. Donald Trump. Bravo!

Click on image for an enlarged, uglier view. Two stories caught my attention yesterday: One involved drug company Boehringer Ingelheim and Spanish-language television network Telemundo. The other involved Donald Trump and another Spanish-language television...

FDA Acts on Violative Social Media Posts a Lot More Quickly Than It Does...

Kim Kardashian posted a violative Diclegis® ad on Instagram (read “Kim Kardashian's Diclegis Instagram Post Raises Issues of Transparency, Drug Safety, and Learning from History”). She was paid to do that...

The Irrelevance of Social Media for Pharma Marketing

The pharmaceutical industry has often been criticized for being behind the "digital curve," meaning that it lacks the expertise to fully take advantage of the Internet and social media to improve...

One Billion Dollars! O Valeant! Sung to tune of O Canada!

Shortly after the FDA approved Addyi (the "pink pill"), Canadian pharma company Valeant announced it would buy Sprout for $1 billion. Was it a good buy? Firstly, where does a Canadian pharmaceutical...

His and Hers Hand Towels Monographed with Viagra and Addyi Logos. Only $20!

This is a pair of soon-to-be classic hand towels.  His and Hers Hand Towels Monographed with Viagra and Addyi Logos $20.00 USD Overview Handmade item Materials: terry cloth, sildenafil citrate, flibanserin, microcrystalline cellulose, etc. Only ships to...

Social Media “Corrective Messages”: Closing the Barn Door After the Cow Has Left!

You undoubtedly know about Kim Kardashian's Instagram post that promoted Diclegis® for treating morning sickness and which resulted in a warning letter from the FDA because it "entirely omits all risk...

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