Pharmaguy’s 2016 New Year’s Resolutions for the Pharma Industry
2015 is coming to an end, thankfully. It's not been an especially good year considering that the media and politicians have found a face for evil pharma and rising drug prices:...
Are All Pharma CEOs Martin Shkrelis?
Martin Shkreli claims he was arrested because he tried to maximize his company's profits by raising the price of a life-saving drug. There is no doubt that may have been a...
Pharma Wars: Meet Shkreli the Hutt
Not such a long time ago in a pharma company pretty close by...
Looking Back on My 2015 New Year’s Resolutions for Pharma
Before I publish my recommendations for 2016, let me review my 2015 New Year's Resolutions for pharma to see how many were actually achieved.
2015 Resolution #1: Forget about using Twitter to...
My Twitter Audience as of Dec 2015
The following is an "Audience Insights" analysis of my Twitter account (@pharmaguy). You can also learn more about my audience from results to date of my reader survey.
Click on image for...
Gallery of Drug Advertising Mascots
These are my all-time favorite drug “mascots” (I call them critters) seen in direct-to consumer ads. Along with the gallery of images, I offer links to more information and the ads...
What the Drug Industry Can Learn from FDA’s Social Media Policy
The FDA recently posted a new social media policy, but it's not for the pharmaceutical industry. The policy is for its own employees (read "FDA Releases a Long-Awaited Social Media Policy").
Street Prices of Rx Brand-Name Drugs Increase as Much as 400%!
Drug companies always claim that the wholesale price of drugs is not an good indicator of what patients, insurers, and the government pay. So a new study published in JAMA Dermatology...
A Pfizer-Stuffed Allergan for Wall Street Thanksgiving!
See the recipe below.
According to the NYT:
"The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer said on Monday that it had struck a $160 billion deal, including debt, to merge with Allergan, the maker of Botox,...
Increased DTC Advertising and Rising Drug Prices – Is There a Causal Link?
There's no denying two facts:
FACT #1: Spending on prescription drugs is increasing dramatically. The Chicago Tribune, quoting data from IMS health, reported (here) that "Spending rose 13 percent , the...