My First 10 Twitter Followers – Happy Anniversary!
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Twitter is Ten Years Old Today! I started posting on Twitter 2 years later on Mar 21, 2008. Since then I have posted over 24,000...
A New TV DTC Disease Awareness Ad Suggests That Donald Trump May Be “Bent...
With all the GOP presidential candidate focus on the size of Donald Trump's penis, I thought a peyronie’s disease DTC ad paid for by Endo Pharmaceuticals was applicable to the...
Tufts New Estimate of Costs to Bring a Drug to Market & Beyond
The pharmaceutical industry is currently struggling to defend the high cost of drugs. It is using advertising and lobbying to reach lawmakers and payers (read, for example, "#Pharma Ramps Up Ads...
HHS: Through 2014, 30% of Rise in Prescription Drug Spending was Due to Price...
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The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) in the Department of Health and Human Services, released a report titled "Observations on...
Many mHealth Apps Share Personal Health Info Without Permission
The number of mobile health applications (mHealth apps) available to consumers now surpasses 165,000 (here). One-fifth of smartphone owners had health apps in 2012, and 7% of primary care physicians recommended...
Annual Spending on Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising Ties an All-Time High
According to Kantar Media, pharma industry spending on direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising totaled $5.4 billion in 2015 compared to $4.3 billion in 2014 - a 19% increase. This ties the high mark...
DTC Marketers Love to Use Animated Critters: Why?
As reported by Ed Silverman/Pharmalot (here), "Over the past few years, more drug makers have run TV ads featuring cartoon characters or other animation techniques to promote their medicines. But...
Study Shows Addyi is Not “Female Viagra” by Any Stretch of the Imagination
According to an article published online by JAMA Internal Medicine (JAMA Intern Med. Published online February 29, 2016. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.8565) found that flibanserin (Addyi), which was approved last year by the FDA...
How Effective is TV vs Online DTC Advertising? FDA Wants to Know.
FDA is proposing a"National Direct-to-Consumer Advertising Survey" of 1765 and soliciting comments on its plan in the Federal Register .
Recall that the FDA is currently doing or planning at least two...
Duke Chimes in on Off-Label Drug Promotion
Drug "wonks" (e.g., Peter Pitts et al) at the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy released a report on "Policy Options for Off-Label Communication."
The report authors want to end the off-label drug...