How Social Media is Helping Healthcare

Social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, are quickly becoming the preferred way patients are not only receiving information about their health, but also, where they are choosing to document their...

A Healthy Holiday Reminder to Remember Ourselves

The bustling holiday season is upon us once again. Amidst the turkey-trots and the mad rush to shop for or make travel plans to see our loved ones, it’s important to...


Written by Amy Turnquist, EVP Sales, eHealthcare Solutions, President, Philadelphia Chapter of the HBA This year, it’s second in operation, the HLTH conference convened more than 6,000 senior leaders in Las...

What’s New at EHS?

Tap Native Selects eHealthcare Solutions to Deliver its Unique In-Content Native Advertising Opportunities to Pharma Brands eHealthcare Solutions (EHS) recently announced an exclusive partnership with Tap Native....

5 Strategies to Strengthen Relationships with HCPs

Increasing engagement with healthcare professionals (HCPs) online has become exceedingly difficult over the past 5 years. There are many websites and e-newsletters competing for a physician’s attention. HCPs are...

Digital Health Publishers Just Got a Healthy Way to Drive New Visits

It’s no secret that digital health publishers of all types struggle to introduce new users to their content. Consumer traffic exchanges and content discovery engines have historically focused on every vertical except health and medicine. You can easily find dozens of networks that focus on fashion, sports, pop culture, technology or finance, but consumer health is MIA.

Farewell Pharma Friends! Beware of the PharmaGovernment Complex!

It's my 71st birthday and I decided it's a good time for me to move on to a new role. Unbelievable, right? John "PharmaGuy" Mack is seventy-one years old! Also unbelievable is...

Why Has There Been a Drop in FDA Enforcement Activity?

That's one question on the mind of EyeOnFDA author Mark Senak of FleishmanHillard's Washington, D.C. office. Senak plotted the number of "Action Letters," which are Warning Letters to drug company CEOs...

Dancing with Fentanyl: Insys Sales Reps Caught Rapping to Boost Sales

You can't make this stuff up! According to Huffington Post, "Pharmaceutical sales representatives selling an opioid-based drug 50 times more powerful than heroin filmed a company-made rap video in which they danced...

Purdue’s Opioid Marketing is Target of a Federal Criminal Probe

As reported by Bloomberg: Federal prosecutors in Connecticut began a criminal investigation into Purdue Pharma Inc.’s marketing of the controversial opioid painkiller OxyContin. U.S. Attorney Deirdre Daly is gathering documents about Purdue’s claim that...

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