Potential for Bias in Commercially Supported CME
This survey asks respondents questions relating to potential bias in continuing medical education (CME) programs supported by pharma/medical device companies and how to limit the need for industry funding of CME.
Impact of the PhRMA Code on Pharmaceutical Marketing and Sales Survey
The PhRMA Code's Impact on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals
Who Should Be Pharma’s Social Media Voice? PR or Brand?
The distinction between pharma brand managers and corporate communications is a distinction without much of a difference these days, especially with regard to social media. There are many
Rules for Pharma Engagement in Patient & Physician Social Networks
There are several ways in which pharmaceutical companies or their agents can ADVERTISE products and ENGAGE in conversations via social networks. This survey asks repondents their opinions on best practices.
Grading Pharma’s Favorite Buzzwords: the Good, the Bad, the Useless
I've been hearing a lot of criticism of pharma marketing buzzwords lately and wonder what marketing professionals like you think of the many buzzwords commonly used by the pharmaceutical industry today.
Tell Us About Your Social Media Listening Program
This survey is an attempt to understand how pharmaceutical companies and their agencies are using social media listening programs as a part of their marketing and communications programs.
Should Pharma’s Use of #MedConf Hashtags Be Curbed?
The authors of a #MICEproject research report propose six activities that medical conference organizers should consider in order to draft appropriate future guidelines for third party activities in Twitter backchannels. Tell us YOUR opinion regarding these activities.
Regulation Pharma-Sponsored CME Survey
Do CME activities that accept commercial support from pharmaceutical companies have more bias that activities that don't?
How the Drug Industry Can Earn Back the Public’s Trust
Results of a 2008 Harris Interactive poll of American attitudes toward corporate America revealed that only 26 percent of Americans view the pharmaceutical industry industry favorably. 52 percent are firmly negative, which places pharma slightly below big oil, and above tobacco. Is the drug industry's bad reputation is deserved? What are the specific reasons why the public has such low esteem for the industry? Take our survey and tell us what you think the industry should do to improve its public image.
What’s the Future of DTC Advertising?
Please take a few minutes to tell us your opinion of the future of Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) advertising of prescription medications under a new Democratic Administration.