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Learnings from ExL Events and Paul Ivan’s Inaugural Digital Health for Pharma (DH4P) Conference

Digital health is growing exponentially. Its potential for positively impacting health outcomes is mind boggling. Yet, multiple obstacles continue to stand in the way of its success – from...

In PBMs’ Search for Survival, Transparency is the Answer

Within the last couple months, President Trump reiterated his intention to end the opioid crisis, notably adding, “we are holding big Pharma accountable.” Drug manufacturers and...

An Update on Digital Health – Compliance Considerations

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds the potential to change the health care experience for patients by providing new tools that modify the way patient engagement occurs and creating platforms that...

Real-Time Analytics: The Future of Commercial Effectiveness

Effective marketing and sales in the pharmaceutical space requires the utilization of emerging technologies to analyze current market landscape and customer behavior. This shifting mindset towards the significance of analytics to devise...

5 Strategies to Strengthen Relationships with HCPs

Increasing engagement with healthcare professionals (HCPs) online has become exceedingly difficult over the past 5 years. There are many websites and e-newsletters competing for a physician’s attention. HCPs are...

Digital Health Publishers Just Got a Healthy Way to Drive New Visits

It’s no secret that digital health publishers of all types struggle to introduce new users to their content. Consumer traffic exchanges and content discovery engines have historically focused on every vertical except health and medicine. You can easily find dozens of networks that focus on fashion, sports, pop culture, technology or finance, but consumer health is MIA.

The Pharma Marketing Network is Back!

Welcome to the renewed Pharma Marketing Network! We just couldn’t imagine a world without PMN so in 2018, with John Mack’s blessing, we excitedly took the reins from our...

Pharma Marketing News

Welcome to Pharma Marketing News. Included in this service is a periodic newsletter focused on pharma marketing and Pharma Industry News Update (Aka PinUP), which has a much broader focus. PinUp is published every Tuesday and Friday.

PinUp: Social Media, Wearables, AI – Will Any of These Move the Needle on...

Welcome to the January 23, 2018, issue of Pharma Industry News Update (aka PinUp).

PinUp: FDA Lax on Medical Device Regulation, Caves In on Off-Label Promotion, & Passes...

Welcome to the January 16, 2018, issue of Pharma Industry News Update (aka PinUp). FDA is much in the news these days. The agency is lax in its regulation of medical devices and, depending on your point of view, it has either 'capitulated' to the drug industry and rolled back the regulation of off-label promotion or just decided to leave well enough alone.

Pharma Marketing News, Blog Posts, Events, Podcasts

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