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New Privacy Rules in Economic Stimulus Law: Will They Restrict Certain Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices?

This article reviews the medical privacy restrictions included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which President Obama signed into law on Feb. 17, 2009, and discusses the impact these restrictions might have on pharmaceutical marketing.

Intelligent Online Sampling Strategies

New online strategies have made eSampling a tool for significantly expanding targeted physician and sample coverage. Applications include accelerating new product uptake, efficiently maintaining physician coverage for mature brands, covering hard to reach physicians and driving patient demand.

Biotech DTC: Business Not As Usual

There's blood in the water and ad agencies are circlingbiotech companies, trying to entice them into transforming themselves into marketing machines. Some agency people suggest that biotech needs to engage in traditional direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising. Biotech, however, needs more than DTC as usual.

Report from the Social Pharmer “Unconference”: Sowing Seeds of Social Media Change?

This article summarizes key presentations made at the April 21, 2009, Social Pharmer 'unconference' where leading pahram social media proponents presnted ideas on how the industry can overcome the barriers.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 7, #8

Welcome to the October, 2008 issue of Pharma Marketing News.

Lipitor Holds Key to DTC Ad Spending in 2012

As reported by Nielsen, direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising spending by the pharmaceutical industry was down by 1% compared to 2010. I did a little exercise to predict that DTC spending in 2012 will see a further 3% decrease compared to 2011 solely due to an expected drop in Lipitor advertising. Here's how I came up with that estimate.

Reigning in the “Wild West” of Mobile Health Apps

As with Web sites in the early days, it is difficult today for users of mobile health apps to be assured that the apps are reliable, accurate, based on valid information, and adequately safeguard users' information. In many ways, we are living through another digital

PinUp: Three Notable Failures: EpiPen, Allergan TV DTC, & FDA Enforcement

Welcome to the November 3, 2017, issue of Pharma Industry News Update (aka PinUp). There were reports of three

Pharma Marketing News Editorial Calendar

Pharma Marketing News is the monthly e-newsletter of the Pharma Marketing Network (www.pharma-mkting.com). It is packed with facts, opinions, and case studies based upon interviews with experts in the field of pharmaceutical marketing. Highlights of presentations from industry conferences, contact lists for experts consulted, and links to references help susbcribers keep up to date on best practices and network with their peers.

Accountability for Pharma Content on Social Media Sites

A substantial portion of drug industry comments submitted to the FDA was devoted to how pharmaceutical companies should be held accountable for a communication about its product(s) and how much control they exert over activities on the Internet and social media.

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