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Welcome to Pharma Industry News Update (aka PinUp), a publication of Pharma Marketing News. PinUp presents curated content of topical interest from a variety of sources.

A Healthy Holiday Reminder to Remember Ourselves

The bustling holiday season is upon us once again. Amidst the turkey-trots and the mad rush to shop for or make travel plans to see our loved ones, it’s important to...

The Pharma Marketing Network is Back!

Welcome to the renewed Pharma Marketing Network! We just couldn’t imagine a world without PMN so in 2018, with John Mack’s blessing, we excitedly took the reins from our...

Pharma Marketing News

Welcome to Pharma Marketing News. Included in this service is a periodic newsletter focused on pharma marketing and Pharma Industry News Update (Aka PinUP), which has a much broader focus. PinUp is published every Tuesday and Friday.

PinUp: Social Media, Wearables, AI – Will Any of These Move the Needle on...

Welcome to the January 23, 2018, issue of Pharma Industry News Update (aka PinUp).

PinUp: FDA Lax on Medical Device Regulation, Caves In on Off-Label Promotion, & Passes...

Welcome to the January 16, 2018, issue of Pharma Industry News Update (aka PinUp). FDA is much in the news these days. The agency is lax in its regulation of medical devices and, depending on your point of view, it has either 'capitulated' to the drug industry and rolled back the regulation of off-label promotion or just decided to leave well enough alone.

PinUp: Communicating Relative vs. Absolute Efficacy, Gabby Gottlieb, and Disease Awareness Campaigns

Welcome to the January 9, 2018, issue of Pharma Industry News Update (aka PinUp). This issue focuses on communications, which can be misleading or TMI. Pharma marketers like to tout benefits and downplay risks in communicating drug information to healthcare professionals and consumers. Relative vs Absolute? - that is the question. For FDA commish Scott Gottlieb, however, it's not about being brief when communicating.

PinUp: Welcome to 2018 – Less Health Insurance, Shorter Lifespan, and Limper Sex Life

Welcome to the January 5, 2018, issue of Pharma Industry News Update (aka PinUp).

PinUp: Looking Back on Pharma in 2017 – the Year in Images, Charts, and...

Welcome to the January 2, 2018, issue of Pharma Industry News Update (aka PinUp).Happy New Year! It's time for me to share with you an collection of a few of my favorite images, charts and graphs from articles published in Pharma Marketing News - including Pharma Industry News Update & Pharma Marketing Blog - in 2017. Feel free to download these presentations as PDF files so you can click on the links in each slide to gain access to the story behind each image and chart.

PinUp: 2017: A Banner Year for Pharma Lobbying and TV Ads, Bumper Crop of...

Welcome to the December 19, 2017, issue of Pharma Industry News Update (aka PinUp). Now is when everyone looks back on the old year and begins thinking of the New Year. For pharma, 2017 saw a few highs in terms of money spent on lobbying - mostly to counteract calls for lower drug prices - and on TV advertising. Neither of which is surprising. But while the number of new drugs approved in 2017 eclipsed the 2016 number, profitability is not setting any new records, but may in fact be waning.

PinUp: FDA’s Gottlieb Gets Good Grades from Industry for Good Reason. But Will Patients...

Welcome to the December 15, 2017, issue of Pharma Industry News Update (aka PinUp). Gottlieb, Gottlieb! How many times have we heard about Gottlieb? In this issue you will hear about him twice! Once where his performance is graded and once where he gives the medical device industry a Christmas present. Obviously, the two are linked.

Pharma Marketing News, Blog Posts, Events, Podcasts

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