By John Mack ...

Mobile Optimization Offers Better ROI Than Mobile Apps: Best Practices for Beefing Up Pharma...

Although more U.S. consumers are accessing health information via smartphones, developing health apps may not offer pharma a good return on investment. A better option would be to optimize web sites for mobile. This article reviews PEW's health app data and presents data and best practices from Google that supports this this conclusion.

The Future of Pharma Marketing is Mobile, Unless…: …FDA’s “Enforcement Discretion” Remains Unclear

You don't need a crystal ball to know that the future of media is mobile. While pharmaceutical companies may not yet be advertising on mobile devices as they do on TV, websites, and magazines, they are developing health apps that run on Droid smartphones, iPhones and iPads. Many observers feel that the pharma industry lags behind other industries as far as having a mobile strategy is concerned. One of the factors that may be holding back pharma in its pursuit of a mobile strategy is the loomimg sepecter of FDA regulations.

The Future of Pharma Marketing is Mobile, Unless…: …FDA’s “Enforcement Discretion” Remains Unclear

You don't need a crystal ball to know that the future of media is mobile. While pharmaceutical companies may not yet be advertising on mobile devices as they do on TV, websites, and magazines, they are developing health apps that run on Droid smartphones, iPhones and iPads. Many observers feel that the pharma industry lags behind other industries as far as having a mobile strategy is concerned. One of the factors that may be holding back pharma in its pursuit of a mobile strategy is the loomimg sepecter of FDA regulations.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 11, No. 9: 23 October 2012

Welcome to Volume 11, Issue #9 (23 OCT 2012) of Pharma Marketing News.

Is Your Marketing Head in the Cloud? The Appature Nexus Marketing Cloud Software Platform

Appature, a unique software-as-a-service provider, sees this as an immense opportunity to couple the vast amount of data available to healthcare marketers with relationship marketing technology to discover new methods to personalize and optimize campaigns to both consumers and healthcare professionals. This article reviews Appature Nexus, a Marketing Cloud software platform that drives sales growth through an integrated marketing database, campaign management tool and reporting/analytics engine.

Making Sense of Multichannel Marketing: Towards Achieving the “Holy Grail” of Marketing Effectiveness

This article summarizes the discussion lead by Starnes during a recent MultiChannel Webinar hosted by eyeforpharma, which is also hosting the 2nd Annual Multichannel and Mobile Strategy conference November 29-30, 2012, in London. Also speaking at the webinar was Tim White, Head of Digital Commercialization - Europe for Novartis, Benedikt Hoffmann, Head of eBusiness, Janssen, and Morten Kamp Jorgensen, Director, Corporate Brand & Reputation, at Vestas, a company that specializes in wind power solutions.

Making Sense of Multichannel Marketing: Towards Achieving the “Holy Grail” of Marketing Effectiveness

This article summarizes the discussion lead by Starnes during a recent MultiChannel Webinar hosted by eyeforpharma, which is also hosting the 2nd Annual Multichannel and Mobile Strategy conference November 29-30, 2012, in London. Also speaking at the webinar was Tim White, Head of Digital Commercialization - Europe for Novartis, Benedikt Hoffmann, Head of eBusiness, Janssen, and Morten Kamp Jorgensen, Director, Corporate Brand & Reputation, at Vestas, a company that specializes in wind power solutions.

Is Online Pharma Advertising ROI Scalable? Outsize Results on Modest Spends May Not Scale...

At the recent 6th Annual Digital Pharma East conference in Philadelphia, Bill Drummy, CEO of HeartBeat Ideas, argued that 'With digital you can get way more bang for your buck, so you HAVE to think of the digital channel.' Drummy' s message was simple: the ROI of online promotion is an order of magnitude greater than the "typical" 2:1 ROI for non-digital channel promotion. This may be true of small budget campiagns, but is it scaleable to the point where digital promotion gives you a significant bump in sales?

Is Online Pharma Advertising ROI Scalable?

At the recent 6th Annual Digital Pharma East conference in Philadelphia, Bill Drummy, CEO of HeartBeat Ideas, argued that "With digital you can get way more bang for your buck, so you HAVE to think of the digital channel. Drummy's message was simple: the ROI of online promotion is an order of magnitude greater than the 'typical' 2:1 ROI for non-digital channel promotion. This may be true of small budget campiagns, but is it scaleable to the point where digital promotion gives you a significant bump in sales?


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