The Role of Social Media in Managing Chronic Diseases: Focus on Diabetes and Obesity

On the one hand, there's the physician who's looking for 'evidence' that diabetes is being managed. On the other hand is the patient argument that 'emotional support' is also a key benefit. One could argue that BOTH sides have merit.

Google’s New Drug Search Result Format: A “Knowledge Graph” that doesn’t include pharma!

Google launched a new drug search result format that includes data from the U.S. FDA, the National Library of Medicine, and the Department of Veterans Affairs, among othersbut apparently not directly from pharmaceutical companies.

Pharma Paid Celebrity Best Practices

Pharma marketers in the U.S. sometimes use celebrities as spokespeople for their branded drugs or for non-branded campaigns. Such celebrities include TV personalities, athletes, movie stars and others who have thousands or millions of fans, Twitter followers, etc. Should Pharma Disclose Payments to Celebrity Spokespeople? This is just one of the issues explored in a recent survey of Pharma Marketing News readers.

Are Some DTC Print Ads Too Educational and/or Persuasive?

FDA Plans to Do Two Studies to Find Out

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 11, No. 10: 15 November 2012

Welcome to Volume 11, Issue #10 (15 November 2012) of Pharma Marketing News.

Pfizer Throws In the Lipitor Marketing Towel. Meanwhile AstraZeneca Promotes Crestor on Its Corporate...

Despite Pfizer's heroic and unprecedented effort to maintain Lipitor's market share after expiry last November and after spending more than $87 million promoting the medicine, the world's biggest drug company is quietly giving up on its once-great cash cow for good because more generic versions will soon be going on sale. Meanwhile, AstraZeneca promoted Crestor on its corporate blog. It's unusual for a pharmaceutical company to mention a product by brand name on its corporate blog. It's even more unusual to mention BOTH the product AND its indication -- because that would be promotion regulated by the FDA. But AstraZeneca has done just that on its 'AZ Health Connections' corporate blog. Why now? Can it be a purely opportunistic cheap shot?

How is the iPad an Effective Delivery Platform for Medical Sales Professionals?

How is the iPad a proven effective sales message delivery platform? What impact does it have on a doctor's clinical and prescribing decision-making process? These are questions that MD Mindset's proprietary iSFE Tracker(tm) methodology is designed to answer.

Sanofi US Diabetes Team Wins 3rd Annual Pharmaguy Social Media Pioneer Award

PharmaGuy (aka John Mack) presented the coveted bright yellow Hawaiian shirt/Pharmaguy Social Media Pioneer Award to Dennis Urbaniak, VP, Joan Mikardos, Senior Director, and Laura Kolodjeski, Senior Manager, Patient Solutions, at Sanofi US Diabetes. The award was made at the 6th Annual Digital Pharma East conference in Philadelphia on October 17, 2012. Accepting the award on behalf of the winners -- who could not make it in person -- was Wendy Blackburn of Intouch Solutions.

Multichannel Marketing: Easy to Brag About, but Difficult to Do

Multichannel pharma marketing is conceptually relatively simple to understand, but incredibly difficult in practice, says Len Starnes, former Head of Digital Marketing & Sales, General Medicine at Bayer Schering Pharma. That said, multichannel is not a transient phenomenon, it's here to stay. Starnes hosted a survey on LinkedIn to answer the question: When will pharma marketing become de facto multichannel marketing in future?

Lipitor Holds Key to DTC Ad Spending in 2012

As reported by Nielsen, direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising spending by the pharmaceutical industry was down by 1% compared to 2010. I did a little exercise to predict that DTC spending in 2012 will see a further 3% decrease compared to 2011 solely due to an expected drop in Lipitor advertising. Here's how I came up with that estimate.


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