PhRMA Masters the Art of “Proofiness!”

In a recent video titled 'What Gets PhRMA's Chairman Up Every Morning?', Chris Viehbacher, CEO of Sanofi, cited an impressive Potemkin number related to life expectancy and the pharma industry.

PhRMA Masters the Art of “Proofiness!”

In a recent video titled 'What Gets PhRMA's Chairman Up Every Morning?', Chris Viehbacher, CEO of Sanofi, cited an impressive Potemkin number related to life expectancy and the pharma industry.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 10, No. 15: 12 October 2011

Welcome to Volume 10, Issue #15 (12 OCTOBER 2011) of Pharma Marketing News.

Physician Participation in Peer-to-Peer Social Media Sites

This article summaries research data exploring why physicians interested in using online peer-to-peer social communities outnumber by 2 to 1 physicians who are actually using them. Includes suggestions for what these communities must do in order to provide more value to physicians.

Physician Participation in Peer-to-Peer Social Media Sites

This article summaries research data exploring why physicians interested in using online peer-to-peer social communities outnumber by 2 to 1 physicians who are actually using them. Includes suggestions for what these communities must do in order to provide more value to physicians.

The Pozen Digital Advisory Board

A conversation with Elizabeth A. Cermak, EVP, and Chief Commercial Officerat Pozen, Raj Amin, CEO and Co-Founder of HealthiNation, and Bonin Bough, Senior Global Director of Digital and Social Media, PepsiCo, about the who, what, why behind the Pozen Digital Advisory Board, an esteemed group of digital thought-leaders both in and outside of healthcare.

The Pozen Digital Advisory Board

A conversation with Elizabeth A. Cermak, EVP, and Chief Commercial Officerat Pozen, Raj Amin, CEO and Co-Founder of HealthiNation, and Bonin Bough, Senior Global Director of Digital and Social Media, PepsiCo, about the who, what, why behind the Pozen Digital Advisory Board, an esteemed group of digital thought-leaders both in and outside of healthcare.

In Memory of Steve Jobs Will Novartis Sales Reps Really Embrace iPads?

David Epstein, head of Novartis Pharmaceuticals, said eighty percent of his company's sales reps will give up their PCs for iPads in 2012. Will they do it?

In Memory of Steve Jobs Will Novartis Sales Reps Really Embrace iPads?

David Epstein, head of Novartis Pharmaceuticals, said eighty percent of his company's sales reps will give up their PCs for iPads in 2012. Will they do it?

The Big C in the Big Apple is featuring the video 'Man-on-the-Street: New Yorkers' Reactions to the Big Yellow C.' Is it effective? How do we know?


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