Pharma Turns Up Heat to Unchill Off-Label “Free Speech”

The drug industry brings legal heat to the issue of off-label drug promotion.

Are Pharma Reps Important to Docs or Not?

One survey says yes, pharma reps are important to physicians, another says not so much. Who are we to believe?

Everything You Need to Know About Mobile Platforms

If you're thinking of developing a mobile application (app) for patients or physicians, you need to consider the myriad platforms -- hardware plus software combinations -- that are out there and determine which platform is best suited for your intended audience. Your choice of platform will impact your app's performance, maintenance, and security, which in turn will make or break the success of the app.

How to Score With Women (as a Marketer) via Social Media

A conversation with Casey Quinlan, 'Mighty Mouth' at Mighty Casey Media LLC, Zoe Dunn, Principal, Hale Advisors, Richard Meyer, Principal Consultant, Online Strategic Solutions, Jerry Hall, Digital Media Executive, Advisor to Pearescope, about engaging and marketing to women online, especially via social media, which some new media marketers claim is 'all about women.'

Double Dip in DTC Ad Spend!

Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) pharmaceutical advertising spending suffered a 'double dip' recession between 2007 and 2010, according to data presented in the AdAge Insights Whitepaper

Is There an Upward Career Path for Pharma Social Media Pioneers?

Are we witnessing an exodus of social media

Without Free Gifts from Pharma to Docs, Would Research be Useless?

In a recent blog post, PhRMA said 'Without Promotion Research will be Useless.' To support its case, PhRMA cited 'an interesting opinion editorial' in the latest edition of the Annals of Emergency Medicine -- the medical journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). In the op-ed, entitled 'Limiting Gifts, Harming Patients,' Emory University economist Paul Rubin, Ph.D. expressed concern that ACEP policy regarding Gifts to Emergency Physicians from Industry 'could have the unfortunate effect of limiting the exchange of critical information between medicine makers and physicians about the benefits and risks of new medicines, how to use them properly and how best to diagnose the right candidates for particular treatments.'

Antidepressants: Top Advertised & 3rd Most Commonly Used Rx Drug

According to a recent CDC Data Brief, antidepressants were the third most common prescription drug taken by Americans of all ages in 2005–2008 and the most frequently used by persons aged 18–44 years. From 1988–1994 through 2005–2008, the rate of antidepressant use in the United States among all ages increased nearly 400%. Perhaps not so coincidentally, antidepressants are among the TOP advertised Rx category in 2010, according to the recent AdAge analysis.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 10, No. 16: 27 October 2011

Welcome to Volume 10, Issue #16 (27 OCTOBER 2011) of Pharma Marketing News.

The Big C in the Big Apple is featuring the video 'Man-on-the-Street: New Yorkers' Reactions to the Big Yellow C.' Is it effective? How do we know?


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