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6 Digital Tools at the Center of Healthcare Digitalization [INFOGRAPHIC]

Over the last year, we witnessed a massive shift to digital technologies in the health industry – trends that were gradually making their ways suddenly moved into prompt adoption due to...

Pharmaceutical Marketers’ Guide to Managing through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

The first case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) was reported in Wuhan, China in 2019.This highly contagious and easily transmitted respiratory illness is now a world-wide pandemic and a U.S. State of Emergency. The...

Silverlight + Google: Taking the Pulse of Digital in 2020

Five years ago, Silverlight Digital (Silverlight) launched a vision with a simple webinar – their State of Digital report was delivered virtually with the goal of helping others in the industry...

Fast Growing Digital Health Companies Navigate a Changing Landscape

The Bufferfly Effect is a phenomenon whereby smaller, minute changes in an environment can create massive changes. Several health-focused companies have found real traction using technology to harness the winds of...

Medical Reference Tools Bring Advertisers Closer to Point of Prescription

Search engines have taught digital advertisers that relevance is everything. We now use evolved algorithms to interpret search terms based on the user's perceived situation, time of day, location, and urgency....

The American Diabetes Association Collaborates with eHealthcare Solutions for Digital Advertising Representation

eHealthcare Solutions (EHS) is thrilled to announce a multi-year collaboration with the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the nation’s leading voluntary health organization fighting to bend the curve on the diabetes epidemic,...

5 Actions that Maximize the Impact of Promotional Medical Education Initiatives

Successful promotional medical education (Promo MedEd) programs engage, enlighten, and ultimately shift the behaviors of healthcare providers. These programs are successful because they are part of a strategic plan with clear,...

Shifting Dynamics Forcing Life Science Organizations to (Finally) Innovate

There’s an Albert Einstein quote that resonated with me for years, until recently. He said, “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.”...

A Healthy Holiday Reminder to Remember Ourselves

The bustling holiday season is upon us once again. Amidst the turkey-trots and the mad rush to shop for or make travel plans to see our loved ones, it’s important to...

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