Patients Speak For and Against Direct-to-Consumer Off-Label Promotion of Drugs For or Against Off-Label DTCIn these audio snippets, several anonymous patients and patient advocates tell why they are in favor of or against allowing pharmaceutical companies to promote/advertise off-label uses of drugs directly to patients.

These patients were interviewed via the inVibe platform, which engages research participants (patients, physicians, and payors) on their smartphones and collects responses via automated, voice-response surveys. Learn more at

The survey was done in preparation for FDA’s Part 15 public hearing on “Manufacturer Communications Regarding Unapproved Uses of Approved or Cleared Medical Products” on 9-10 November, 2016 (see below). Pharma Marketing News is also hosting a survey of readers on this topic (click here).

Comments in favor:

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Comments against:

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In a Surprise Move, FDA Will Hold a Public Meeting to Review Off-label Marketing