Mobile Gaming Mechanics Improves SFE Qstream’s Pharma Sales Performance Platform
PharmaGuy interviews Duncan Lennox (see Bio), CEO and Co-founder of Qstream, which is a mobile sales performance platform. We discuss Qstream’s use of game mechanics and mobile technology to increase pharmaceutical sales force effectiveness (SFE).

Recorded on Wednesday, 1 July 2015

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Questions/Topics of Discussion

  • Why is game mechanics playing a larger role in pharma companies’ mobile-first sales strategy? What industry factors are behind this change(s)?
  • What is the difference between game mechanics and gamification? Why is that important to know?
  • Studies show that reps — even those with extensive market and product training — will forget up to 79% of new information within days and months. Can you explain this “forgetting curve?” How does game mechanics solve this challenge?
  • Game mechanics-based sales performance methodologies can help sales reps but what about their managers? What kinds of data do sales managers have access to?
  • Explain how game mechanics might help a typical pharma salesforce?

Guest Bios

Duncan Lennox

Duncan Lennox is CEO and co-founder of Qstream, a mobile, sales performance platform for driving high-performance teams. Under Duncan’s leadership and strategic vision, Qstream has captured the attention of some of the world’s largest enterprise technology, financial services and life sciences accounts, including 12 of the top 15 pharmaceutical companies. Headquartered in Burlington, MA, Duncan established the company’s European headquarters and R&D center in Dublin in 2013 to serve as the epicenter for the firm’s global expansion. A recognized expert, he lends his knowledge on sales force performance, predictive analytics, mobility, and entrepreneurship at industry conferences.