The Mobile Health Library™ Platform Apps for Rx Adherence & Outcomes Support
PharmaGuy interviews Rob Dhoble, CEO, Adherent Health (see Bio), about Mobile Health Library™ (MHL), which is a privacy-protected mobile app platform built for the unique education, service, and support needs of health-related customers, including patients, health professionals, caregivers, and consumers.

Recorded on Tuesday, 2 June 2015

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MHL on iPhone

Mobile Health Library™ (MHL) is the privacy-protected mobile app platform built for the unique education, service, and support needs of health-related customers, including patients, health professionals, caregivers, and consumers. The MHL app (three buttons) is your personal gateway to a “library” of special brand-specific MHL apps that support the safe and appropriate use of branded prescription and OTC medications, medical devices, and medical diagnostic products. MHL apps can also help patients to better understand their health, better manage their health conditions, and better prepare for (and recover from), specific medical procedures. MHL apps are explicitly labeled for use by either Patients or Healthcare Professionals (HCPs). Bookmarking your MHL apps keeps “everything in one place” and provides you with confidential anytime access to important information on the safe and appropriate use of specific prescription and OTC medications, medical devices, and medical diagnostic products.

MHL apps can help to enhance the understanding of health and medical information, and include education and customer services that support the appropriate and safe use of specific prescription and OTC medications, medical devices, and medical diagnostic products. These brand-specific MHL apps can include video instructions, simplified access to important safety information, podcasts, PDF documents, mobile cards for patient savings and discounts, built-in dosing reminders, direct connects to customer service centers and websites, and direct-to-app real-time updates and alerts.

MHL apps can also help patients to better understand their health, better manage their health conditions, and better prepare for (and recover from) specific medical procedures. MHL apps for Patients can be prescribed by health professionals (by email or SMS), or accessed directly by tapping “Search MHL Apps” to locate education, service, and support apps for specific branded prescription and OTC medications, medical devices, and medical diagnostic products. MHL apps for Healthcare Professionals may be shared between medical peers and colleagues. MHL apps are pre-assessed for communications appropriateness by the Standards and Practices Board of Mobile Health Library. Apps that do not satisfy requirements set by this Standards and Practices Board may be denied listing status in MHL.

MHL Key Facts:

  • MHL apps can include valuable discounts and savings.
  • MHL apps can help patients better understand their health, health conditions, and related treatments.
  • MHL apps can be received via email or SMS from a healthcare professional, friend, family member, or loved one.
  • MHL apps may receive direct-to-app updates.
  • MHL apps are confidential, meaning that user identity remains unknown to medication, medical device, and medical diagnostic product sponsors.
  • MHL app “tags” may be placed on posters, printed materials, advertisements, websites, or brand-related packaging.
  • MHL apps can be shared with friends, family, and loved ones via email and SMS.

Questions/Topics of Discussion

  • Why are there so few successful pharma brand patient support apps?
  • What are patients, doctors, and payers looking for in mHealth apps?
  • Good privacy practices & pharma industry trust issues
  • Outcomes tracking using de-identified patient/app engagement data
  • App building vs. app marketing: Which is best for Pharma?

Guest Bios

Rob Dhoble

Rob Dhoble is an entrepreneur, mobile health strategist, strategic problem solver, and a leader of cross-functional teams. With an early career as a pharmaceutical territory representative, research analyst, sales trainer, brand manager, and marketing director, Rob offers a rare industry perspective uniquely balanced between sales-marketing, professional-consumer, US-Global, and agency-client. Driven by a global passion for public health, and the need to significantly elevate patient understanding, medication “safe use”, and health outcomes, Rob founded Adherent Health, LLC and MHL (Mobile Health Library) in 2010.

Prior to his founding Adherent Health and MHL, Rob led the planning, development, coordination, and expansion of DAS/Omnicom Group’s healthcare communications business, a market-leading worldwide operation supporting the market access, advocacy, brand development, and commercialization needs of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and public health sectors. Reporting to the CEO of the Omnicom Group DAS division, Rob’s responsibilities as global president for healthcare included client development, global agency services coordination, client service model innovation, strategic partnerships, and agency acquisitions.