The Future of Pharma-Sponsored Twitter & Other Social Media Chats A Review of the First Pharma-Sponsored Twitter ChatClick Here for Additional Resources

A conversation with Tony Jewell (see bio)Senior Director for External Communications at AstraZeneca and editor of AZ Health Connections blog, about the recent #rxsave Twitter chat and plans for future pharma-hosted chats.

Jennifer McGovern, who runs the AstraZeneca “AZ & Me” prescription drug savings program moderated the discussion. She said her team is already taking some of the ideas and feedback from the chat to find new ways to better reach patients who may benefit from the program.

Critics have said it nothing more than a “PR Stunt.” Listen to this interview and read the posts listed in the resources to decide for yourself if this was just a stunt or what more pharma compoanies may do in the future to listen and learn from stakeholders.

Aired LIVE on: Friday, February 18, 2011 Listen to internet radio with Pharmaguy on Blog Talk Radio

You may also visit this Pharma Marketing Talk Segment Page to listen to the audio podcast.

This show and ALL Pharma Marketing Talk shows are available as podcasts via PMT on iTunes (FREE!).

Questions/Topics Discussed

  • Why did you do a Twitter chat (#rxsave)? Where did you get the idea? What was the goal? Describe briefly AZ’ PAP program.
  • Who was the intended audience?
  • How long did it take to get the go ahead? What were the legal/regulatory concerns?
  • Did you achieve your goals?
  • You said there may be more chats depending on FDA SM guidelines. Are you waiting for GLs before planning another chat? Do you expect FDA GLs to address this specifically? What other subjects would AZ like to host chats about?
  • Do you envision AZ or other pharma companies providing grants to patient orgs or physician assns to host their own chats on specific subjects as a way to reach patients and physicians?

Guest Bio

Tony JewellTony Jewell is the Senior Director for External Communications at AstraZeneca,where he leads corporate media relations, digital engagement, andcommunications around corporate initiatives for the US business. Tonypreviously served in government, first as press secretary for GovernorThompson in Wisconsin and then as Director of Media Relations and DeputyAssistant Secretary for Public Affairs at the US Department of Healthand Human Services. You can follow Tony on Twitter: @TonyJewell

Additional Resources