Doctors, Web 2.0, and Patient Care: What Are the Possibilities? A conversation with Denise Silber, CEO of Basil Strategies, Phil Baumann, Health Is Social, and Bertalan Meskó, MD, Founder of, and other invited guests (see bios) about the use of Web 2.0 and social media such as Twitter for improving patient care.

Aired LIVE on: Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Docs and TwitterThere’s a lot of buzz about using Twitter and other forms of social media to improve health care. In particular, physicians are being encouraged to use social media — Twitter in particular — to help them deliver better health care.

But it seems that physicians are reluctant to do it for a variety of reasons (see Additional Resources). If doctors DID become big fans of Twitter, we might see the scenario depicted in the cartoon above.

Can Twitter and other Web 2.0/Social Media tools help physicians improve or enhance the care they provide their patients? This show’s expert guests will discuss this issue and answer questions from the audience.

Some Questions/Topics Covered

  • Which social media platform — Facebook, Twitter, etc. — do doctors prefer to use in their practices? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each from an expert’s point of view?
  • What percentage of physicians are using social media to help them deliver better care? Does it vary by country?
  • What is motivation of doctors to participate in social media?
  • Is it the right time to organize conferences such as Doctors 2.0™ and You?

Denise SilberDenise Silber, an American in Paris, and former pharmaceutical manager, has been involved in eHealth since 1995, managing the creation of the first medical web sites in France and participating in the many working groups on the theme of quality and ethics on the web: AFGIS, European Commission, French Ministry of Health, HAS, HON, HSWG, Internet Healthcare Coalition, Medcertain, WHO, URAC. In 2008, Denise Silber founded AQIS, the association for the Quality of Health Internet Sites.

In 2010, her company Basil Strategies co-organized the Health 2.0 Europe conference in Paris and this year is in charge of Doctors 2.0 & You. Denise also teaches at Essec Business School. A Harvard MBA, Denise is President of PharMBA. Don’t miss her blog.

On Jan 1, 2011, Denise was named to the Legion of Honor, France’s highest civil decoration. You can follow her on Twitter: @health20paris

Phil BaumannPhil Baumann runs Health Is Social, which helps healthcare enterprises with their online presence.

Baumann is a registered nurse and member of the Advisory Board for Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media.

Baumann actively blogs, speaks and conducts workshops on digital technology. He also founded the first clinical-based Twitter chats RNchat and MDchat. He is @PhilBaumann on Twitter.

Bertalan MeskóBertalan Meskó, MD graduated from the University of Debrecen, Medical School and Health Science Center in 2009 and started PhD in the field of personalized genomics.

He is the founder of, the first medical web 2.0 guidance service and thinks medical education and communication between physicians and patients will be revolutionized with the tools and services of web 2.0.

He is a medical blogger, a microblogger, a manager of medical projects in Wikipedia and an organizer of scientific events in Second Life. He launched the first university credit course in the world that focuses on web 2.0 and medicine for medical students. He was included in the Healthspottr Future Health 100 List and featured in the New York Times. He is @Berci on Twitter.

David DuplayDavid S. Duplay is the President of MedTera and is responsible for developing and overseeing the company’s vision, mission and strategic direction. With a solid background in healthcare marketing, communications and technology and more than 20 years of experience working with pharmaceutical companies, research organizations and patient groups, David brings a wealth of industry knowledge and experience to MedTera.

As an advocate for the progress of the life sciences industry, David believes that aligning the goals of all stakeholders in the healthcare delivery continuum is critical to improve outcomes for patients while lowering the overall healthcare spend. Prior to founding MedTera, David served as the General Manager for several marketing services companies where he developed strategic, closed-loop marketing programs and solutions.

Additional Resources