Media Consumption Habits of Physicians Size (of Practice) DOES Matter!Click Here for Additional Resources

A conversation with David L. Shrier, Chief Executive Officer of HCPlexus about how the demand for content and channels of delivery of content depend upon the size of physician practices and other factors. (See guest bio).

Aired LIVE on: Tuesday, 16 November 2010 Listen to internet radio with Pharmaguy on Blog Talk Radio

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HCPlexus provides physicians with personalized, timesaving and multi-platform products so they can focus on healing patients. At the heart of the company’s physician-focused offerings is The Little Blue Book (TLBB), a referral directory, which for more than 20 years has been a trusted and high usage resource for healthcare providers. The Little Blue Book data is now available on-line and in a mobile phone application. Leveraging the deep insights gleaned from more than 400,000 TLBB physicians, HCPlexus delivers high ROI marketing programs to pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, pharmacies, hospitals, health plans and independent practice associations. For more information, visit

Questions/Topics Discussed

  • What’s the dynamic of group practice in the U.S.?
  • What’s changing around group practice, and what does it mean to a health marketer?
  • What role does group practice play when designing marketing programs?
  • What are ways in which practice size impacts media mix?
  • How does practice size influence physician preference of media channel?
  • Where does mobile play in the physician work flow?
  • What role does online have to play?
  • Does anyone still use print?
  • How can marketers integrate provider-practice affiliations into a marketing program?
  • What are dimensions of targeting you can apply when layering on practice size?

Guest Bio

David ShrierDavid L. Shrier specializes in guiding companies through strategic change and growth. Before acquiring The Little Blue Book Companies from WebMD in September 2009, David held C-level executive positions with several privately financed companies.

David has developed new business opportunities with companies including Wolters Kluwer, Disney, and Starwood Hotels & Resort as well as leading private equity and venture capital funds. An accomplished public speaker, he has lectured on entrepreneurial finance and corporate innovation in the MBA programs of USC / Marshall, Columbia Business School, Fordham Business School and the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) near Geneva, Switzerland. He previously taught corporate venturing and entrepreneurship for three years in NYU’s MBA program, where he was an Adjunct Associate Professor.

Additional Resources

  • TBD