Path of the Blue Eye Click Here for Additional Resources

A conversation with Fard Johnmar, Founder and CEO of Envision Solutions, about an initiative to bring people working in health marketing communications together..

Aired LIVE on:

Tuesday, July 22, 2009 Listen to internet radio with Pharmaguy on Blog Talk Radio

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“When I was in college,” said Johnmar, “I vividly remember people discussing an interesting phenomenon that I’m told persists to this day. My undergraduate institution, Amherst College was (and is) wonderfully diverse. People of various backgrounds, opinions, and interests collaborated regularly. However, at mealtimes, Amherst became a strangely segregated place. An observer walking across the main campus dining hall would see people grouped together — almost exclusively — by ethnic background, interest (e.g., sports, theatre, music, dance), and nationality.

Path of Blue Eye“I never liked the fact that the school’s population was so divided during mealtimes. Being naturally curious about others, I made a conscious decision to take my meals with a different set of people each week. I’m glad I did because I learned a lot from others from very different backgrounds and perspectives. The conversations I had with jocks, liberals, conservatives, gays, international students, and others were always interesting and thought provoking.

“Likewise, people in health marketing communications often ‘eat’ at separate tables. For example, many pharmaceutical industry emarketers rarely collaborate with social marketers working at non-profits or government agencies. Moreover, some health marketers working in the United States do not have ready access to learnings from those in China, France or Brazil.

“In addition, while the Internet is forcing health marketers to eat at the same table, a lot more needs to be done. This is why I started the Path of the Blue Eye project.”

Questions/Topics Discussed

  • Tell us more about this project. Where did the name “Path of the Blue Eye” come from?
  • What are the golas?
  • Why did you do a comic to launch the project?

Guest Bio

Fard JohnmarFard Johnmar
Fard Johnmar, M.A., founder of Envision Solutions, has extensive experience in the healthcare marketing communications arena. He has developed and implemented programs for numerous major global and domestic pharmaceutical companies, nonprofits, medical associations and government organizations.

Pfizer Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Novartis Pharmaceuticals and the International Society on Hypertension in Blacks are just a few of the organizations he has completed engagements with.

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