Pioneers in Pharma eMarketing: Richard Meyer A Modern Day ePharma DiogenesClick Here for Additional Resources
A conversation with Richard Meyer, eMarketing consultant and author of The World of DTC Marketing Blog. A conversation about Mr. Meyer’s views on the future pharmaceutical eMarketing — where it’s heading versus where it should be going.
Aired LIVE on:
Thursday, September 18, 2008 Listen to internet radio with Pharmaguy on Blog Talk Radio
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BackgroundIn July, 2008, Richard Meyer made the gusty decision to leave Medtronic Diabetes — a medical device company — because he felt they were not investing in the “e” channel and believed that his talents could be better used elsewhere.
Recently, he also learned that he had been “blacklisted” at a major pharma/biotech company because of his blog, which often criticizes the drug industry for not investing more in online marketing and criticizes DTC ads that he feels are bad.
Going forward, Meyer is now faced with a quandary…does he continue to write what is on his mind and risk being alienated from an industry he loves dearly or should he surrender to the powers that determine pharma’s Internet-deficient marketing mix?
Rich’s story reminds us of Diogenes of Sinope, an ancient Greek philosopher exiled from his own land who is said “to have walked through the streets carrying a lantern in the daytime, claiming to be looking for an honest man, but unable to find one. Diogenes was a self-appointed public scold whose mission was to demonstrate to the ancient Greeks that civilization is regressive. Sympathizers considered him a devotee of reason and an exemplar of honesty. Detractors have said he was an obnoxious beggar and an offensive grouch.” (see Wikipedia).
In this podcast, Mr. Meyer will talk about his past experience and his goals for advancing pharma eMarketing. You be the judge if he is an “exemplar of honesty” or an “offensive grouch.”Click Here for Additional Resources
Guest Bio
Richard Meyer
Richard Meyer has been in Internet marketing for over 12 years and has been lucky enough to work for some great companies like Eli Lilly & Medtronic Diabetes. At Lilly, Rich was one of the first eMarketing people to join the company and was the first to bring a standardized process to creating a pharma websites that consisted of qualitative and quantitative research, usability studies and full integration with the brand objectives.
Since leaving Lilly, Rich relocated to the West Coast and for the last two years he worked for Medtronic Diabetes as a Senior eMarketing Manager. He recently left Medtronic as noted aboave.
Some Questions/Topics Discussed
Additional Resources