Regulation Pharma-Sponsored CME Survey

Survey began 23 June 2004.
Survey Ended 4 Apr 2004.

Do CME activities that accept commercial support from pharmaceutical companies have more bias that activities that don’t?

Questions asked:

  1. In your opinion, are CME activities that accept commercial support more likely to be biased than activities without such support?
  2. In your opinion, is it appropriate for drug or device companies that support CME programs to track prescribing behavior of physician participants in order to measure the outcome of such programs?
  3. ACCME has recently put forward a memorandum proposing changes in its standards for commercial support of CME. In your opinion, what degree of change is needed in the standards for commercial support of ACCME accredited CME programs?
  4. Should pharmaceutical company sales reps be allowed to distribute CME materials such as “monographs, CDs, and Web access” to physicians?
  5. The current percent of physician CME participants that get their CME online is about 4%. In your opinion, by 2005, what percent of physician CME participants will get their CME online?

Survey Results:

  • Interactive Summary of ALL results (de-identified, excludes open-ended responses and comments that may identify the respondent). Allows you to use filters to examine results from different subsets of respondents (e.g., pharma company employees vs. non-pharma people, etc.)

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