Out-of-the-Box Marketing

Survey began 24 Jul 2004.
Survey Ended 10 Mar 2004.

Dr. Richard Vanderveer, Chairman & CEO, V2 and member of the Pharma Marketing News Editorial and Advisory Board, poses “thought questions” regarding out-of-the-box marketing to help readers think about how well the precepts of permission-based marketing are being applied by the pharmaceutical industry.

Questions asked:

  1. How good a job are pharmaceutical market researchers doing “measuring” physician attention to drug promotional efforts?
  2. How important is Permission Marketing for pharmaceutical marketing to physicians? Consumers?
  3. To what extent is pharmaceutical marketing to physicians and consumers already “Permission Marketing?”

Survey Results:

  • Editorial Summary, which presents highlights of selected results (PDF format).
  • Interactive Summary of ALL results (de-identified, excludes open-ended responses and comments that may identify the respondent). Allows you to use filters to examine results from different subsets of respondents (e.g., pharma company employees vs. non-pharma people, etc.)

Associated article(s) touching on this topic:

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