2008 Pharma Marketing Network Event Survey
Click here to take the survey.
Survey began 17 March 20087
It’s official. The U.S. economy is in a recession. Just how how mild or strong or long it will be is anybody’s guess!
One thing IS certain. This is no time to sit back and wait for opportunities to come to you!
As BusinessWeek magazine says: “The job saving mantra we’ve heard before is one that bears repeating: Network, network, network!” (See “Strategies for Surviving the Slump“).
[Is Your Business Heading into a Recession?]
You must get out there and network if you expect to keep your job, keep your current clients, find new new clients, and generally CREATE opportunities rather than wait for them to come to you! That is why Pharma Marketing Network is AGAIN hosting a networking event for pharmaceutical marketing professionals.
Pharma Marketing Network has hosted several successful networking events in the past. The last one in April, 2006, was attended by over 100 people! (See photos, sponsors, and attendee list here.)
We expect this year’s event to be as, if not more, successful. In order to ensure that, we encourage you to take a few minutes to answer the Networking Event Preferences Survey that will help us design a networking event that is perfect for you!
At the end of the survey you will have the opportunity to get your name on the short list of people we will contact PRIOR to announcing the event. We will also offer you a 15-25% discount for early bird registration.
Your responses to this survey are strictly confidential and no identifiable information you provide will be shared with third parties unless you give us permission to contact you.
Access the survey: Networking Event Preferences Survey
Thank you in advance for your input. We hope to see you at the reception. If you can’t make it,Good luck!