Are ED Ads Too Sexually Explicit?
Survey began 20 May 2004.
Survey Ended 18 June 2004.
The TV DTC ad campaigns for Cialis, Levitra, and Viagra seem to be pushing the envelope with regard to sexually-explicit themes and characters. Recently, we asked Pharma Marketing News readers and Pharma Marketing Network Web site visitors to give us their opinions about whether or not recent ED TV ads were too sexually explicit or focusing on a younger and younger audience.
Questions asked:
- In your opinion, are these ads — all or any one of them — too sexually explicit?
- Please rate the most recent ads for the following products according to how well they educate the consumer about erectile dysfunction (i.e., what it is, who is likely to suffer from it, etc.). Are they doing an excellent, good, fair, poor, or very poor job?
- In particular, do you think the ads, in general, are targeting men who are not likely to be affected by erectile dysfunction (i.e., younger men in good mental and physical health)?
- Do you think these ads will be used by certain lawmakers and/or regulators to argue the case for banning or setting new limits on DTC advertising in the US?
- Some experts have said that these brands are being positioned for an eventual OTC status. Do you think this will ever happen?
Survey Results:
- Editorial Summary, which presents highlights of selected results (PDF format).
- Interactive Summary of ALL results (de-identified, excludes open-ended responses and comments that may identify the respondent). Allows you to use filters to examine results from different subsets of respondents (e.g., pharma company employees vs. non-pharma people, etc.)
Associated article(s) touching on this topic: