DTC Straight Talk Survey

Survey began 23 March 2005.
Survey ended 30 April 2005

According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal (“
In Switch, J&J Gives Straight Talk“): “Johnson & Johnson is unveiling a new approach to TV and print campaigns that deals head-on with safety, putting drug risks on more-equal footing with drug benefits.” The “new” approach shows a split screen with a doctor on one side and a woman patient on the other. While the patient seems enthusiastic (“I’m in!”), the physician counters with a “Let’s talk” response and goes on to talk about risks. The product is the Ortho Evra birth-control patch and the ad is supposed to air for the first time later this month. “The future of DTC advertising depends on its ability to inform, and the balance between persuasion and information is likely to shift towards information,” said Mr. Pounder [chief executive and president of Alchemy, a unit of Interpublic Group of Cos., which produced the Evra campaign]. He wouldn’t divulge details of focus-group tests for the new J&J ads, but said they were well-received and not off-putting, despite the frank talk about dangers. See the following for a discussion of the issues:

Survey Results:

  • Interactive Summary of Results (de-identified, excludes open-ended responses and comments that may identify the respondent). Allows you to use filters to examine results from different subsets of respondents (e.g., pharma company employees vs. non-pharma people, etc.)
  • Pharma Marketing News Summary, which presents more detailed results. (REPRINT available).

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