Survey About CHC’s Petition to FDA on DTC and Risk Communication
This survey is closed.

Survey began 31 March 2006
Survey began 20 November 2006


Simplifying Risk Statements in DTC Advertising

The Coalition for Healthcare Communication (CHC) — comprised of major advertising, marketing and PR organizations, including the American Association of Advertising Agencies, the Association of National Advertisers, and the Public Relations Society of America — filed a Citizen Petition with the Food and Drug Administration recently asking the FDA to formulate new rules governing consumer advertising of prescription drugs (see “Coalition for Healthcare Communication Seeks New Prescription Drug Advertising Rules“).

The CHC’s proposal calls for the elimination of specific risk information in print, broadcast, and Internet-based DTC (direct to consumer) advertising.

CHC suggests the following as sample wording that should be used to communicate risk in DTC ads: “Like all drugs, [drug name] has both benefits and risks. [Drug name] is only available by prescription, and your doctor can explain how [drug name] is likely to affect you. Be sure to tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, and about any other medications you are taking, because this information could affect whether you should take [drug name]. Remember, only your doctor can decide if [drug name] is best for you.”

This issue is discussed in more detail on Pharma Marketing Blog.

Survey Results:

  • Interactive Summary of Results (de-identified, excludes open-ended responses and comments that may identify the respondent). Allows you to use filters to examine results from different subsets of respondents (e.g., pharma company employees vs. non-pharma people, etc.)

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