Buzz ‘n Blog Pharma Marketing Survey
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Survey began 27 March 2006


Customer Generated Content and Buzz Marketing

“Consumer Generated Content” (CGC, also known as “Customer Generated Content” or “User Generated Content,” UGC) is a current “hot” topic within pharmaceutical eMarketing circles.

Perhaps millions of doctors and patients are bloggers and write about drugs and the conditions they treat every day. Ten times that number of consumers read these blogs every day. Therefore, it makes sense, from an online drug marketer’s point of view, to advertise on these blogs.

It starts to get controversial, however, when marketers try to gain a share of voice within these venues in a more pro-active manner.

This issue is discussed in more detail on Pharma Marketing Blog.

This surevy solicits your opinion on specific marketing tactics involving CGC and buzz, specifically from a pharmaceutical marketing point of view.

Survey Results:

  • After completing the survey you will be able to see a summary of results (de-identified, excludes open-ended responses and comments that may identify the respondent). You can also use filters to examine results from different subsets of respondents (e.g., pharma company employees vs. non-pharma people, etc.).

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