Meet Jean-Paul Hepp and Howard Tarplin, Two Attendees Looking for Opportunities in Pharma

Of the 80-100 people expected to attend the 4th Annual Pharma Networking Dinner Reception on June 4 in Princeton, NJ, several will be there to make some contacts in their search for a full-time position in a pharmaceutical and/or agency environment. Profiles of two such professionals — who may know one another (both worked at Pharmacia and later at Pfizer) — are provided below.

Are You Looking for New Employment Opportunities?

In a recent poll conducted by Pharma Marketing Blog, 66% of the nearly 400 respondents believe that the pharmaceutical industry is currently in a recession. And last year, the drug industry cut back on DTC advertising.

Of course, not every drug company or every agency is hurting. In fact, many ad agencies specializing in professionak (ie, physician) promotion are doing quite well and are hiring new staff.

Recession or not, it pays to network, network, network! At the 4th Annual Pharma Networking Dinner Reception, you’ll meet several pharmaceutical company people and many agency people whose companies focus on physician marketing and sales. There will also be a headhunter or two working the crowd!

Jean-Paul Hepp
Jean-Paul — “JP” to his friends — was recently the Chief Privacy Officer at Pfizer. He was dowsized when that job became more lawyer-focused rather than customer-centric (my opinion, not JP’s). JP does not have a law degree. He does have, however, many years of experience in the consumer marketing arena with various pharmacetical companies (eg, Director Internet Marketing at Pharmacia) and his interests are DTC, the Internet, and patient education. You can find details of his background in his public LinkedIn Profile.

Howard Tarplin
Howard Tarplin has been consulting for the past 7 years, providing Director-level leadership, managing the entire internal and corporate communications development life cycle for his clients, from strategy, planning and requirements to development, launch and support, most recently around process improvement, Intranets and collaboration.

Howard is now seeking a full-time role managing development and deployment of digital communications solutions in a pharmaceutical and/or agency environment.

Some of Howard’s relevant past experience includes: managing deployment of new web “Contact Us” software and interface for admin and brand units at Pharmacia and managing key components of the Pharmacia and Pfizer intranet integration at the time of their merger. Howard also developed and launched multiple Intranet-based applications for workflow support with emphasis on collaboration, process improvement and integrated e-learning.

Make Them Your Buddies
Anyone — even non-attendees — can learn more about JP and Howard by accessing attendee profiles here and here, respectively.

Attendees can meet up with JP and Howard before the meeting by adding them to your “buddy list” on the Pharma Marketing Network Forums. Just login with the username and pwd you received with your ticket. You may not be in a position to hire JP or Howard, but maybe you can give them some leads and advice.


John Mack, Editor & Publisher
Pharma Marketing News/Pharma Marketing Blog
Phone: 215-504-4164

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Premier Sponsors ReachMD

ReachMD, an innovative communications company, provides thought-provoking medical news and information to healthcare practitioners.



Streamlogics is a leading global provider of webcasting applications and services to hundreds of healthcare organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and CME providers.

Supporting Sponsors

The Arcas Group

The Arcas Group is driven by a singular focus: improving the connectivity between medical thought leaders, physicians, and commercially focused organizations. Good Health Advertisin

Good Health Advertising offers online advertising, brand building, patient education, promotions and patient acquisition services in the Health and Medical category.

Literature Sponsors

Custom Clips

Custom Clips

Curry Rockefeller Group

Curry Rockefeller Group

Baer Consulting

Baer Consulting

Media Sponsor

Pharma Marketing News

Pharma Marketing News

If you wish to be a sponsor of this event please contact:

John Mack

Over 100 pharmaceutical marketing professionals attended the last event in April, 2006.

2006 Event Photo Album

Comments from Attendees of Previous Events

“It was an enjoyable event, I also always learn something and most of all any networking event is what you the individual make of it and how comfortable you are at the art of networking.” -Bill Amberg

“The evening was great, the food was wonderful, and it was well organized. We received a lot of positive response and requests to contact individuals for projects. It’s gotten better every year and I’m sure next year will be no exception.” -Jerry Mauder

“We enjoyed the dinner and sponsorship and look forward to more opportunities to participate.” -Stephen M. Carnevale

“Thanks again for putting on a great party! We definitely met some very nice people and a few interesting contacts that may lead to future business.” -Richard Shapiro

“I got a chance to meet some interesting people and talk about social media technology in healthcare.” -Fard Johnmar

Be sure to join us in 2008!

4th Annual (2008)
Networking Dinner Reception

  • DATE/TIME: Wednesday, June 4, 2008 * 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM
  • LOCATION: Princeton Marriott Hotel and Conference Center at Forrestal, 100 College Road East, Princeton, NJ

Register Now! Featured Speakers
See Agenda below for details Paul Boidy
Paul Boidy
Executive Vice President, Sales and Customer Solutions at ReachMD Craig DeLarge
Craig DeLarge
Associate Director, eMarketing & Relationship Marketing at Novo Nordisk Inc. John Mack
John Mack
Publisher of Pharma Marketing News Shaun McIver
Shaun McIver
CEO, StreamLogics, Inc. Marc Monseau
Marc Monseau
Director of Corporate Communications, Johnson & Johnson Michael Parks
Michael Parks
Vice President of Corporate Communications, Centocor, Inc.


  • 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM: Sign in. Freely mingle to meet and network with colleagues. Beverages. Cash bar. Make your Elevator Pitch for the Vendor Video Showcase DVD!

Register NOW!

  • 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM: Buffet service and sit down to dinner

  • 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM: Presentations Welcome Address Speaker: John Mack (bio), Publisher of Pharma Marketing News and creator of Pharma Marketing Blog — a blog “insiders read to stay current” (WSJ). Title: “Introducing Pharma Marketing Forums: Lurk, Learn, Network!”

    How to join, receive updates by email, communicate with other members, participate in special ‘members-only’ forums, and take advantage of this Web 2.0 site to advance your business. Keynote Presentation Speakers:

    Marc Monseau (video bio), Director of Corporate Communications, Johnson & Johnson and chief blogger/editor at JNJBTW. Marc joined one of Johnson & Johnson’s operating companies more than a decade ago after a stint at Bloomberg Business News where he worked as a reporter.

    Michael Parks (bio), Vice President of Corporate Communications at Centocor, Inc. and chief blogger/editor at CNTO411. As chief communications officer and management board member of Centocor, Michael leads the company’s public relations, organization communications, and corporate reputation management efforts.

    Title: Blogging: A Giant Leap for Pharma!

    Marc and Michael (M&M) will focus on their experience as the first pharmaceutical executives to embrace Web 2.0 technology.

    For any vendor wishing to work with pharmaceutical companies on new media marketing initiatives it behooves them to understand how Monseau and Parks worked to prepare their companies to take steps towards closer engagement with customers – first with corporate and then on to the more sensitive area of product-related posts.

    M&M are sure to offer their suggestions for what the industry’s next steps might be in this area and what the hurdles are. They will also list the vendor attributes they think are important for success.

    Featured Presentation Speaker:

    Paul Boidy (bio), Executive Vice President, Sales and Customer Solutions at ReachMD. Prior to joining ReachMD, Mr. Boidy was director of neuroscience marketing for Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America.

    Title: Marketing to the “Long Tail Physician” Segment

    For many brands 50% of the total market for prescriptions come from prescribers OUTSIDE of the highly targeted top 20%. With new and yet to be developed communications and education platforms marketers will be able to cost-effectively reach a significant portion of the other 80%. That would be good for everyone.

    In this presentation, Boidy gives you a “former insider’s” point of view on this topic and presents an overview of ReachMD’s ability to cost-effectively reach the long-neglected physician “tail” segment.

    Featured Presentation Speaker:

    Shaun McIver, co-founder, President and CEO of Streamlogics, Inc., one of North America’s leading providers of webcasting applications and services.

    Title: Trends Driving Physician Education and Branded Communications Online

    Pharma sales force cutbacks have put significant pressure on marketers to adopt other channels for reaching physicians.

    In this presentation, McIver will focus on this and other trends that are creating a “perfect storm” enabling webcasting applications and services that allow healthcare organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and CME providers to cost-effectively deliver CME and marketing programs to physicians.

    Special Guest Presentation Speaker:

    Craig DeLarge (LinkedIn Profile), Associate Director, eMarketing & Relationship Marketing at Novo Nordisk Inc.

    Title: Life Sciences Profiles of Color

    DeLarge will speak about the Life Science Profiles of Color Project, the goals of which are to encourage and offer guidance to young people seeking to achieve success in the life sciences industry and to highlight the contribution of people of color in the life sciences.

    • 8:30 PM to 9:15 PM: Dessert and Structured/Unstructured Networking

      • Networking Dance Card Contest: All attendees will be given a “dance card” at the door. This card lists all the names of attendees with interests similar to those you selected during the registration process. The goal is to meet as many of the people on the dance card as possible and obtain their initials. If you meet with the minimum number of people indicated on your card, you are eligible to enter your business card to win a $200 dollar gift certificate in a drawing.
    • 9:15 PM to 9:30 PM: Closing Comments and Good Byes

    Hope to see you in Princeton on June 4th!

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