Featured Conference

3rd Annual eMarketing for Pharmaceuticals

March 25-26, 2004 * Philadelphia, PA

Hear What Some of Our Previous Attendees Have Said About CBI’s eMarketing Conferences:

“This conference was a wise investment of time. It provided a comprehensive overview of what pharma, consultants and eDevelopers are doing to reach a hard to reach population or drug consumers.”
— Reporter, Eportec

“Excellent agenda!”
— Darrel Atkin, Vice President of Marketing, iMetrikas

“Excellent job! Pulled together a strong collection of leading thought leaders willing to share their everyday experiences in tackling challenging eBusiness solutions.”
— RJ Lewis, President/CEO, eHealthcare Solutions

“The information concerning use of the Internet to reach patient audiences is definitely something I can apply to my own brand.”
— Tom Wright, Product Manager, Pharmacia

Pharmaceutical companies are looking for more effective ways to reach both consumers and physicians, and over the past several years they have turned to the Internet as powerful marketing vehicle. Healthcare information has become the number one reason that consumers use the Internet. “About 73 million American adults, 62% of internet users, rely on the internet to research prescription drugs.” Further, “Data shows that eHealth consumers are 2.3 times more likely than offline consumers to request a prescription drug by name from their physician” (PharmaVOICE, February 2003).

Despite these impressive statistics, the pharmaceutical industry is still not taking advantage of the Internet as a marketing channel. They will not realize the full benefits of online marketing until they incorporate web-base marketing activities into the traditional marketing mix. CBI’s Annual Conference on eMarketing for Pharmaceuticals, March 25-26, 2004 brings together the industry’s eMarketing experts to share their experiences and insights on the most effective ways to reach consumers and physicians over the Internet. Hear how representatives from AstraZeneca, Aventis, Bayer, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis and Wyeth deal with challenges including:

  • Complying with guidelines and regulations
  • Deciding which eMarketing activities to incorporate at different stages of the product cycle
  • Developing innovative web-based programs that motivate consumers to take action
  • Measuring the ROI of eMarketing activities

The conference also offers a choice of pre-conference workshops on these important topics:

A. Direct-to-Physician Online Marketing – Develop Targeted eDetailing, eSampling and Compliant Incentive Programs

B. Comply with Privacy Guidelines to Protect Consumer Health Information

CBI’s 3rd Annual eMarketing for Pharmaceuticals conference not only provides the information you need to create effective Web-base marketing programs, but it also provides you with the opportunity to network with and learn from the industry’s top and most experienced brand, product and marketing experts.

For more information about registering for this conference, , please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com or visit the conference site at www.cbinet.com/events/HB412/index.html

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