Featured Conference

2nd Pharmaceutical Marketing Global Summit
February 24-26, 2004 • Philadelphia, PA

The series, now in its second year, covers the pharmaceutical marketing space comprehensively from professional to consumer, as well as global and managed markets. The pharmaceutical industry overall showed a significant improvement in revenues in the third and fourth quarters of 2003. Executive managers have realized that in the current environment of fewer new drug introductions and even fewer blockbusters, stronger growth and profitability can be achieved through the more effective marketing efforts of existing drugs. This is one of the topics to be discussed at the Summit.

New ways to better reach the physician and consumer are being introduced and will be featured at the meeting. One such important “introduction” is the “2.0” version of the Web. The Internet’s evolution from a source of consumer and physician information, to an integrated marketing tool that is capable of driving sales, enhancing compliance and generating new leads – the current state-of-the-art – will be discussed and debated by many pharmaceutical leaders and service providers.


Panels on Direct Marketing, Marketing Research, Competitive Intelligence, Relationship Marketing, and the Changing Role of Advertising Agencies, will round out the audience interactive sessions. Successful global campaigns, like that of Cialis, will be presented as a case study. SPEAKERS: Other speakers include the Feb. 25 morning keynotes from Pfizer, Lilly, and Bayer on Medicare Reform, Pharmaceutical Sales and the Marketing Mix, and E-Marketing Advances.

Other keynotes include Seth Godin, Best Selling Author, on the use of “Permission Marketing,” and Mark Stevens, Current Business Week Best Seller on “The Art and Science of Business Building.” The industry is complemented by the important addition of speakers from outside the industry to provide perspective and new ideas.

NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES: The day’s sessions are followed by an invitational dinner for executive pharmaceutical management. It will provide top executives with a forum to meet their industry counterparts in a relaxed atmosphere, to discuss common challenges.

The meeting features many dedicated networking and exhibition breaks, receptions, and a Casino Night and dinner on Feb. 25, to further integrate the audience.

PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS: Four Pre-Conference Workshops are Available:

  • Workshop #1 — The Science of Compliance: Methods to Greatly Improve Patient Compliance Through Lasting Behavioral Change

  • Workshop #2 — Effective Strategies for Maintaining Brand Identity in Multicultural Environments – Prescription for Creative Precision

  • Workshop #3 — A Strategic Approach to Consumer eMarketing that Actually Works …with a Totally New Way to Measure ROI.

  • Workshop #4 — Getting the “Right” Price: Rx Pricing, a Crucial Component of the Marketing Mix

To register, log on to the conference website www.srinstitute.com/pharmamarketing or phone 888-666-8514 or 646-336-7030.

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