Featured Conference

CBI’s 2nd Annual Bio/Pharmaceutical Forum on Effective and Compliant Advisory Boards
Ensure Appropriate Objectives, Structure and Transparency
March 23 – 24, 2009 * Vienna, VA

For more information or to register, please visit the conference website.

Also see this Forum for updates and news from the conference organizers.

Manufacturers gain an abundance of valuable information from groups of physicians that give their practical, clinical advice on a variety of issues.  However, the industry’s relationships with these advisory boards continue to be heavily scrutinized by the public and the government.

As the industry knows how important these boards are to their medical affairs and marketing teams, it is critical that they demonstrate that interactions with the advisors meet company objectives, while also remaining compliant with regulatory guidelines and are transparent from any potential conflicts or perceived influence by manufacturers.

In 2008, more than 100 executives benefited from an interactive meeting focused on key strategies to optimize development of advisory boards and ensure objectives are met in a compliant manner.  Attend the 2nd Annual Forum to hear updated strategies to ensure effective and compliant advisory board meetings and benchmark again with your peers.

Key topics being researched for 2009 include:

  • Appropriate development of boards – Size, structure, etc.
  • Facilitating effective meetings
  • Assessing Fair Market Value
  • Defining clear objectives and ensuring they are met

Plus! Don’t miss CBI’s Premier West Coast Forum on Bio/Pharmaceutical Advisory Boards to be held November 17-18, 2008 in San Diego, CA.

Hear what some of our previous attendees had to say:

“The meeting provided great insights that I will be able to apply immediately as I plan for our next advisory board meetings.” – Tadd Lazarus, Medical Director, Roche Diagnostics

“Excellent benchmarking audience.” – Darlene Doubert, Senior Account Director, Advogent

For more information or to register, please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com.

For more information or to register, please visit the conference website.

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