Featured Conference

6th Annual eMarketing for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Design Targeted and Interactive Search Engine and Online Marketing Campaigns to Influence Physician and Consumer Behavior
March 7 – 9, 2007 * Philadelphia, PA

For more information or to register, please visit the conference website.

“It was a great conference — one of the best I’ve been to in a long time. Speakers were dynamic and the presentations very relevant.”
2006 Conference Attendee, Sandra I. Jerez, Chief Strategy Officer, MDLinx, Inc.

2007 Conference Highlights:

Search Engine Pre-Conference Seminar

  • Receive real-time actionable information you need to grow your business through search engine marketing
  • Learn the ins-and-outs of search engine marketing from top search experts and the search engines themselves
  • Network with fellow eMarketers and search engine industry professionals and discuss the trends in search engine marketing

Utilize Market Intelligence to Define Your Online Strategy and Prioritize Spending

  • Hear how Pfizer has implemented a process to work within the evolving worldwide eMarketing privacy requirements
  • NEW RESEARCH RESULTS PRESENTED!  Hear the latest figures on U.S. consumer and physician Internet usage and review industry eMarketing spending priorities and patterns in 2007 and beyond
  • Gilead Sciences presents on how to best position your eMarketing programs to your field sales force and senior management
  • ALTANA Pharma AG discusses how to best leverage eAnalytics to create dynamic, actionable business intelligence for your eMarketing programs

Enhance Commercialization Strategies with Consumer Driven eMarketing Programs

  • Hear new research results on how to identify and prioritize ways to express trustworthiness on branded Web sites
  • Hear a case study on how one company integrated their email marketing campaign with a direct mail program
  • Overcome hurdles of adoptions and persistency with one-on-one eMarketing plans using tailored online strategies
  • Learn to target the recently diagnosed to increase engagement and acquisition of online health users

Engage Consumers through Rich Internet Applications

  • Evolution Road, LLC, Manhattan Research, Yahoo!, Pfizer, Google and Nielsen/BuzzMetrics discuss how to best utilize blogging and other consumer generated content to you advantage
  • Medical Broadcasting Company, HealthiNation andComcast Spotlight  discuss how pharmaceutical companies can best integrate prime time video into brand and condition messaging

Professional eMarketing (HCPs)

  • Hear statistics on physician online use and learn how to best allocate you online media expenditure in order to most effectively reach and influence their target physician audience
  • Leverage an effective live online detailing channel to expanded physician access outside office hours

Hear what some of our previous attendees had to say:

“Highly comprehensive and informative!” – Kathy Meya, Creative Design, Roche Labs

“CBI’s annual eMarketing conference was an excellent well-timed conference.  The conference and workshops were very interactive with a robust exchange of dialogue, ideas, concerns and relevant experiences.” 
R.J. Lewis, President, e-Healthcare Solutions, Inc.

“Highly valuable with lots of strategic focus and specific tactics.”
— Robin Palley, President, Robin Palley and Associates

“Challenges presented with ‘real world’ solutions in the ever changing online healthcare market.”
— Dina Kraemer, Director, Sales and Marketing, Health Benchmarks

“Helped to quickly bring me up to speed on the latest eDetailing and eMarketing trends.”
— Mike Leo, Senior Product Manager, Real Networks

For more information or to register, please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com or visit the conference website.

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