Featured Conference

3rd Annual Summit on Post-Marketing Studies
February 12 – 13, 2007 * London, UK

For more information or to register, please visit the conference website.

The Definitive Annual Forum for Providing Reliable Up-to-Date Information on Post-Marketing Studies

Over 300 pharmaceutical executives have attended the only forum dedicated entirely to addressing pressing Post-Marketing Study issues in Europe. CBI’s summit provides industry leaders with current strategies for designing and conducting successful Phase IV studies, patient registries and epidemiologic studies. Topics being researched for 2007 include:

  • Regulatory requirements for non-interventional trials
  • Epidemiology methodologies
  • Use of retrospective data
  • Data mining challenges
  • Strategies for improving ROI

 Network at, and benefit from, the leading industry event!

Hear what some of our previous attendees had to say:

“Fantastic conference on Post-Marketing Studies. This program catered to the needs of different backgrounds and experiences. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Great well rounded presentations on clinical, safety, marketing, etc.”
2006 Attendee, Anita Sakuardande, Senior Data Manager, P&G Pharmaceuticals

“There was a broad range of topics covered, good review of fundamentals and shifts in Pharma and post-marketing studies.”
2006 Attendee, C A Fletcher, Associate Director, Amgen

For more information or to register, please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com or visit the conference website.

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