Featured Conference

6th Annual Forum on Pharmaceutical Contact Centers
January 29 – 30, 2007 * Philadelphia, PA

For more information or to register, please visit the conference website.

“I totally enjoyed this conference. It gave me a broader perspective regarding pharmaceutical Contact Centers.  There is more out there than medical information.”
— Previous Conference Attendee, Steve Thullier, Senior manager-Medical information, Amgen

CBI’s 6th Annual conference continues its tradition of bringing together the industry’s leading experts in Call Centers and customer service.  The program features detailed case studies from some of the industry’s leading organizations and provides you with the information you need to improve customer contact and increase ROI.  Featured topics include:

  • Understand the guidelines for creating an inspection-ready work environment for your call center
  • Provide stakeholders with an understanding of why planning for a business continuity call center is an important business strategy
  • Develop a process for data gathering and analysis to define current performance levels
  • Determine which performance metrics focus most on the consumer/patient experience and your marketing dollars
  • Leverage CRM, document systems and web-based solutions to support individual customer needs in a multi-lingual contact center
  • Share information gathered at contact centers with other departments to better support marketing and sales initiatives
  • PLUS! Hear a technology case study on how an automated call processing program using speech recognition and touch-tone can allow agents to focus on more complex and higher value calls

Hear what some of our previous attendees had to say:

“The breadth and quality of the topics covered at this pharma contact center conference, gives me  reason to attend future sessions!” 
— Yvette Steinhardt, Manager, Eli Lilly

“An excellent resource and learning tool to maximize Contact  Call  Center efficiency while enhancing customer experience.”
— Deb Nazarian, RPH and Medical Information Specialist, Centocor

“This conference was informative and encouraging, affording the opportunity to learn and collaborate across companies.  We are all truthfully “in this together!”
— Heather Ferrence, Supervisor Product Quality, Wyeth

 “I am new to call center work and this conference provided an excellent overview of relevant issues. Great hearing about how other pharma companies call centers operate.”
Lorna Malcolor, RN, Bayer

“I totallyenjoyed this conference. It gave me a broader perspective regarding pharmaceutical contact centers. There is more out there than medical information.”
— SteveThullier, Senior manager-Medical information, Amgen

For more information or to register, please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com or visit the conference website.

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