Featured Conference

3rd Annual Forum on Defining Appropriate and Effective Interactions with Thought Leaders and Key Opinion Leaders
November 13 – 14, 2006 * Washington, DC

For more information or to register, please visit the conference website.

Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) continue to be crucial to the success in developing and marketing pharmaceutical products.  However, there continues to be a disconnect in developing a company wide strategy for working with KOLs.  CBI’s 3rd Annual Forum provides a unique platform for clinical, medical affairs, MSLs, marketing and also academic institutions to interact and discuss strategies for successful collaboration with KOLs throughout the product lifecycle.  Attend this conference and learn processes, communication strategies and guidelines for effective interactions with KOLs.

Key topics being researched for this year’s forum include:  The MSL role in the new compliance environment, regulations relating to speakers, KOL asset management, content of KOL systems, KOL metrics and much more!

Hear what some of our previous attendees had to say:

“As a marketing director responsible for KOL management, it was reassuring to know that our KOL strategy is on par with what others are doing and it was helpful to hear novel ideas on ways to address many of the challenges associated with KOL relationships.”  
– Rene Russo, Director of Marketing, Cubist

For more information or to register, please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com or visit the conference website.

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