Featured Conference

8th Annual Disseminating Off-Label Information
October 26 – 27, 2006 * Location, TBD

For more information or to register, pleaser visit the conference website.

Disseminating off-label information by bio/pharmaceutical marketing and sales teams to physicians continues to be heavily scrutinized by the FDA, Department of Justice and OIG.  While bio/pharmaceutical companies struggle to create a balance between increasing sales and maintaining compliance, whistleblowers continue to unhinge this already delicate balance, increasing the public’s knowledge of uncommon, yet highly damaging acts of misjudgment. 

CBI’s Annual Guidelines for Disseminating Off-Label Information conference has assisted hundreds of attendees over the past 8 years and is seen an industry leading event.  This conference provides an open forum to discuss the issues faced by bio/pharmaceutical companies with regards to off-label promotion. Specifically, this year’s conference addresses:

  • How to encourage an environment conducive to internal scrutiny 
  • Implementing an effective and compliant Scientific Advisory Board
  • Maintaining compliance in disseminating off-label information regardless of the job title and Safe Harbor restrictions
  • Determining the role of each Government Agency –Department of Justice, FDA, Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising, and Communications and Office of Inspector General
  • How to qualify the intent of the speaker, sales rep, medical science liaison and their promotional material

Hear what some of our previous attendees had to say:

“The Industry perspective presentations provided an excellent opportunity to benchmark our policies and processes.”
– 2005 attendee, Caryn McDowell, Counsel, Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc.

“I found this conference to be extremely valuable for me as a compliance officer, as it shed light on the most current issues facing the industry regarding off-label promotion.” 
– 2005 attendee, Dennett F. Kouri, Director, Corporate Compliance, Probitas Pharma Inc.

“Speakers are excellent and information provided is well organized and presented.”
– 2005 attendee, Eugenio Angueira, Regional Scientific Director, Novo Nordisk

“This conference focused on the procedures to begin to ensure that all is being done to stay in compliance.”
– 2005 attendee,  Craig Conoscenti, Associate Director, Boehringer Ingelheim 

“A collection of top experts who imported timely information and useful guidance.”
– 2005 attendee, Gary Smith, VP & General Counsel, Enzon Pharmaceuticals

For more information or to register, please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com or visit the conference website.

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