Featured Conference

3rd Annual Forum on Patient Adherence, Compliance and Persistency
Maximize the Value of Your Compliance Initiatives by Integrating Disease Management Programmes and Collaborating with External Stakeholders
October 23 – 24, 2006 * Brussels, Belgium

For more information or to register, pleaser visit the conference website.

CBI’s Annual Patient Compliance, Persistency and Disease Management programme creates and provides practical solutions that you can begin implementing immediately. The 2006 conference presents solutions for effectively implementing successful compliance programmes where patients, pharmacists, insurers, government and community leaders and especially physicians take ownership in improving patient adherence. Attend the annual forum and hear concrete solutions, case examples and strategies for recouping and preventing revenue loss by tackling the key factors that influence patient compliance by incorporating disease management initiatives, patient relationship marketing strategies and maximizing strategic partnerships and resources.

Topics being research for 2006 include:

  • Details on compliance measurement (more scientific and practical information)
  • Discussions on how patient compliance measurement can help ward off safety problems during Phase IV clinical trials
  • Strategies for co-financing compliance research with the government and insurers

* utilising outcomes data in compliance initiatives in order to gain support from insurers

  • How to leverage predictive modelling for customizing patient compliance solutions


Hear what some of our previous attendees had to say:

“I traveled half way around the world for this and I’m glad I did. This program was useful, practical and thought provoking.”
– 2005 Attendee, Rod Hopkins, Manager, sanofi-aventis

“I witnessed many valuable presentations and discussions which provided me with that type of information I can build on for my future work.”
2005 Attendee, Thomas Dries, Marketing Manager, Honeywell

“I always come away with insights that I can apply to my work and increase both consumer/patient experience and competitive advantage.”
Previous Attendee, Vincent DiFabritus, Senior Design Manager, Procter & Gamble

For more information or to register, please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com or visit the conference website.

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