Featured Conference

7th Annual Phase IV Clinical Trials
Design Research Programs to Meet Clinical, Regulatory and Marketing Objectives
September 18 – 19, 2006 * Philadelphia, PA

For more information or to register, please visit the conference website.

The Premier Event for Phase IV Clinical Trials! 

Phase IV studies are continuing to increase and based on a Tufts study, 73% of recent new drug approvals received FDA requests for post-marketing studies.  From this same report the median cost of studies in the ’70s & ’80s was $135,000 and the new median cost of studies for Phase IV research from 1998-2003 was $3.7 million.

Attend CBI’s 6th annual conference and gain insight from the regulatory, clinical, marketing, adverse events and post marketing perspectives.  The program provides a unique forum in which you can network with industry executives and Phase IV teams who can share their valuable experiences with you.

The 2006 program covers the latest issues on Phase IV studies including:

  • Enforcement actions on regulations applicable to Phase IV
  • The role of CMS and reimbursement on late stage development
  • Ethics of trials abroad
  • Conducting studies under an existing IND, a new IND or as a non-IND
  • And much more!

Join the hundreds of professionals that have already benefited from this conference.  Register early to take advantage of best pricing and to secure your seat at this event!

Hear what some of our previous attendees had to say:

“Great discussions on critical day-to-day issues we face in conducting all types of Phase IV studies”
– Stephen Mascioli, Associate Medical Director, Boston Scientific

“Comprehensive, up to date coverage of current issues pertaining to post launch events”
– G. Jacob, MSA, Berlex

“A lot of useful information that can be applied to your own ideas or daily work”
– Angel Herrera, Clinical Trial Manager, Novartis (Mexico)

“Excellent topics and speakers – very valuable program to provide a general overview of Phase IV study issues” 
— Kelly Talley, Director GMA Compliance, Bristol Myers Squibb


For more information or to register, please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com or visit the conference website.

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