Featured Conference

8th Annual Medicaid Rebates Conference
The Latest Insight on Proposed Medicaid Reform * Strategies to Ensure Pricing and Reporting Compliance * Updates on State Cost-Containment Initiatives
May 11 – 12, 2006 * Lake Buena Vista, FL

For more information or to register, please visit the conference website.

Sweeping change is set to take place at the State and Federal level for the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program.  As this reform unfolds in 2006, be sure to attend our 8th Annual Medicaid Rebates Conference to learn the latest in Medicaid trends, State program changes, CMS oversight and pricing compliance strategies.

This year’s agenda provides timely coverage on the current political and industry factors that are driving reform efforts in the Medicaid Rebate program and provides strategies and best practices for manufacturers to ensure compliance with price determination and Medicaid rebate payments.  Discussions on Medicaid reform, implementation of Part D, State cost containment initiatives and strategies for manufacturers to ensure compliance will make this year’s meeting a landmark event!

Featured at the conference is a Keynote panel, convening:

  • Tom Arnold, Deputy Secretary for Medicaid, Florida

  • Nancy Atkins, Commissioner for the Bureau for Medical Services, Department of Health and Human Resources, West Virginia

  • Barbara Edwards, Former Deputy Director, Office of Ohio Health Plans, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services

  • MarkTrail, Chief of Medical Assistance Plans, State of Georgia

PLUS!  Cynthia Tudor, the Acting Director of the Medicare Drug Benefit Group at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services provides an update on Part D implementation efforts and the transitioning of the dual eligible population.

Register now to ensure best pricing and to reserve your seat at this year’s Must-Attend Medicaid event.

Featuring a Pre-Conference Seminar on Wednesday, May 10, 2006:
An Introduction to the Medicaid Rebate Program
“Best Medicaid 101 program I have seen!”
– 2005 Seminar Attendee, Bob Brown, Contract and Pricing Advisor,

 Click Here to View the PDF

Hear what some of our previous attendees had to say:

“The program was extremely useful in reinforcing my current knowledge, but dramatically provided new insight and knowledge related to trends in a changing marketplace.”
– Ken Moreu, Director of National Accounts and Managed Markets, Ino Therapeutics

“Overall, I found the conference to be very helpful in giving me a broader view of the MDRP as well as 340B.”
Stacey K. Usher-Wright, Government Analyst, Sankyo Pharmaceuticals

“The ability to bring the industry representative, consultants and regulators together to provide a forum to develop some uniform approaches to a very complex and dynamic subject.”
Leo Reveloitty, Health Care Analyst, DHHS-CMS

“The conference was filled with valuable information and great networking opportunities.”
Deborah Rogers, Manager of Government Pricing, Novartis

“The conference was a strong refresher and helped update me on current issues.”
– R. St.Francis, Director of Finance, Chiron

“CBI gathers the professionals with whom you want and need to speak.”
Mary Jo Bustos, Medicaid Coordinator, APP

“It is so informative to hear the latest in Medicaid from such an impressive group of speakers!”
– Paula Grist, Sales and Operations, Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals

For more information or to register, please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com or visit the conference website.

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