Featured Conference

3rd Annual Direct to Consumer Strategies for Medical Devices
Ensure an Increased ROI through Innovative Marketing Strategies and Patient Targeted Techniques
September 25 – 26, 2006 * Chicago, IL

For more information or to register, pleaser visit the conference website.

Many medical device companies are trying to mimic the strategies and successes of pharmaceutical companies with their DTC campaigns. This conference provides medical device companies with methods to learn how to market their products directly to the consumers while maneuvering within a very tight marketplace, with small budgets, high competition and a tremendous amount of people involved in one transaction. Attend CBI’s 3rd Annual Conference to:

  • Hear case studies and examples from medical device companies’ DTC campaigns
  • Understand the answers to key questions surrounding marketing regulations
  • Learn how to measure the effectiveness of DTC campaigns

For more information or to register, please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com or visit the conference website.

Is Your Product Ready for Consumers?

You’ve spent a king’s ransom getting your medical device ready to market. It’s passed all the regulatory requirements. You have the clinical studies that prove its validity. You have a story to tell, but whom do you tell it to?

It’s not always clear whether your marketing dollars should be spent on DTC marketing. Amy Siegel, Vice President, Health Advances, LLC, a healthcare strategy consulting company located in Weston, MA, offered some clear advice on how to determine if DTC is appropriate for a medical device. She was speaking at a recent Direct to Consumer Strategies for Medical Devices conference in Chicago organized by the Center for Business Intelligence. Mark Speers, Co-founder and Managing Director of Health Advances also participated in the presentation.

Siegel shares strategies for evaluating whether your product is ready for a DTC campaign based on characteristics of the disease, the patient population, the payment vehicles, the clinical specialty and the nature of the therapy.

The article includes the following sections:

  • More Devices Will Opt for DTC
  • Acne Treatment Device Case Study
  • Co-op Advertising

Order the Full Article Reprint – ONLY $6.95 (Delivered to you by email)

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